files over the internet has never been easier thanks to services such
as Dropbox, WeTransfer and even email. Despite this ease at which we can
send a file to the other side of the world, sharing files on a local
network to the computer across the room is still a complicated affair.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to OS X's built-in File Sharing
service to provide a more robust and simpler way of sharing files on a
local network.
File Server Complexity
File sharing within a local network has always been somewhat of a
complicated process. Even now, the most common method of sharing files
is to have a dedicated file server so files can be stored and accessed
by users. When it comes to file sharing in the office, many choose to use a central file server.
Let's imagine we have an office with two users, Jack and Jill. Jack
has been working on a video file that Jill now needs to access. Jack
must now copy the video to their file server, which takes about ten
minutes, and then Jill copies it back to her Mac which takes about the
same amount of time.
For files with small sizes, such as text documents and spreadsheets,
you can generally open the file directly on the server and then save the
changes back. For larger files, such as this video file that Jack and
Jill are dealing with, it's generally recommended to copy the file
locally to your Mac before editing.
If you attempt to edit the file directly from the server then you're
likely to notice a reduction in performance because the speed at which
changes can be made is bottlenecked by the network speed. Your Mac's
hard drive operates many, many times faster than even the fastest
network, so speed issues will occur as any save you make has to be
written to the server. If you're working on a video that's 1GB in size,
that's a lot of data to continually send over the network. Worse still,
should there be any network issues whilst working on the file or saving
it, you risk corrupting the data.
File servers have many advantages and the most important of which is
that all of your user's data is centrally stored. This makes backup
planning much easier, not to mention that all of your users can access
any file they might need to.
But for small businesses and home users, these advantages may not be
applicable which makes a dedicated file server an unnecessary expense.
Luckily, there are a number of ways we can share files between Macs
without the need for a dedicated server.
AirDrop was introduced in OS X Lion as a way to easily send files
between Macs. Using AirDrop provides one of the simplest ways of
transferring files between two different Mac users that are nearby or on
the same network.
AirDrop provides a simple drag-and-drop interface for sharing files
without having to worry about permissions, servers or anything else that
you'd usually have to consider. Put simply, there's no easier way to
share files between two different Macs.
Using AirDrop to send a file to another Mac is very simple, provided you have a Mac that supports it.
We've covered AirDrop before on Mactuts+ in our tutorial How to Enable AirDrop on Ethernet Connected and Unsupported Macs, and I'd highly recommend re-visiting it so you can better understand and use this great feature.
AirDrop isn't without its drawbacks and there are some disadvantages
to this method of file sharing. First of all, it only works with the
more recent versions of OS X and with certain Macs that have built-in
Wi-Fi. Our previous tutorial explains how to enable this feature on Macs
that aren't officially supported, though if you're slightly wary around
the Terminal then it might not be for you.
Secondly, AirDrop requires both the sender and recipient to activate
AirDrop, meaning file sharing has to be explicitly accepted by both
parties involved. Let's go back to Jack and Jill to explain more.
This time round, Jack and Jill are both using AirDrop-enabled Macs.
Jack selects the file he wants to AirDrop and it begins to search for
other users with AirDrop enabled. In order for Jill to receive the file,
she'll also need to be at her Mac and then select AirDrop from the
Finder window also. Whilst this is to ensure that you can't just send an
AirDrop file to anybody, if you're users are in a different room or the
recipient isn't around to activate AirDrop, there's nothing you can do.
OS X File Sharing
Mac OS X has included the option to enable the File Sharing
service, allowing remote users across a network to read and write files
to your Mac. With it enabled, you can delegate access to other users to
allow them to copy files to and from your Mac, but with the ability to
set restrictions and even specific login information.
Let's set up File Sharing in OS X and give other users basic access
to our Mac on the network. We're going to need two Macs to do so - one
to enable File Sharing on, which we'll call THE Mac Server, and one to use to connect to it, which we'll call the Mac Client.
Step 1
On the Mac Server, open System Preferences and then select the Sharing preference pane. Sharing preferences are customised via System Preferences.
You'll see a number of options that you can check that will enable a
number of services designed to share your Mac in some way, from the use
of its DVD drive to its internet connection. The one we're interested in
is File Sharing. Sharing includes a number of options for different sharing and remote services.
Step 2
Check the box to enable File Sharing. When enabled, we're given some
information about how to access it. In this example, we can access the
Mac on the IP address or, perhaps easier, through the Finder window.
With File Sharing enabled, let's try and connect. On the Mac Client, open a new Finder window and in the Shared list , select our other Mac. You'll notice that when we do, it just gives us a Connection Failed message. As you can see, although we can see the Mac we cannot connect.
Step 3
The reason we're not able to connect is that we would need to log in
with a username and password that is present on the Mac Server, just as
though we were logging in physically at the Mac.
Click the Connect As... button and enter a username and password for a user account on the Mac Server. After doing so, you'll be able to access it. Using the Connect As... button, we can attempt to log in as a user of the remote Mac.
Although we've enabled File Sharing, we've not specified any folders
to share. By default, OS X will allow us to access the same folders that
we would be able to if we were physically using it. In this instance,
this is our home folder and the Applications folder. Now that we're connected, we can access the same folders we'd be able to if we were physically at the Mac.
Now we're connected, we can copy files to and from our Mac Server.
Delegating Access
While we can certainly access our Mac Server if it was our user
account we needed to access, we wouldn't necessarily want to give other
people our Mac password just so they can copy files to and from it. What
we need is a way of giving another user access to certain folders.
We can do this using something called Sharing Accounts.
These are user accounts we can create on our Mac that exist only for
the purpose of remote access. They cannot log in, in fact they don't
appear in the login screen at all.
Step 1
In System Preferences on the Mac Server, open the Accounts
preference pane. You can see the list of current user accounts in the
column on the left. At the bottom, click on the + button to add a new
account. We add these new Sharing accounts using the Accounts preference pane.
Step 2
We're going to add a new Sharing Only account.
Change the account type accordingly and then specify a user name and
password. Here I've set up a new sharing account for Jack. Create a new "Sharing Only" account called Jack.
Jack's account isn't given a home folder and cannot log in like a
regular user. All it can do is be used with certain sharing services,
such as file sharing.
Step 3
Head back to the Sharing preference pane and make sure to select the File Sharing service.
Under the Shared Folders column, click the + button and designate your Downloads folder as a new shared folder. Once we add a new folder to share, OS X automatically assigns the default access permissions.
As you can see, OS X maintains the default permissions for this folder and is only allowing me to access it.
Now, click the + button under the Users column and select our new user, in this case it's Jack. Jack is immediately given read access to our Downloads folder. We can add additional users and grant them access to specific folders.
We can change this to read and write by selecting it and changing it accordingly. We can grant Jack read and write access to our folder instead of just read-only access.
Now that we've completed setting up our restricted access, let's try and log in as Jack.
Logging In
On the Mac Client, select the Mac Server in the Finder again and then click Connect As….
Log in with Jack's new username and password and you should then see
that we can access only the Downloads folder. We're also able to copy
files to and from it with full access to any existing files within. Once we've logged in as Jack, we can see only the folders he was given access to.
Wrapping Up
The benefit of OS X's File Sharing service over AirDrop is that you
can delegate access to different people with different privileges for
different folders. In fact, File Sharing in OS X Mountain Lion is pretty
powerful and you could add sharing accounts for many different people
and delegate access accordingly.
Additionally, File Sharing is constantly running in the background so
you don't need to actively select any menus or messages. It's even
running when all the users are logged out so even if you're away from
your Mac, other users with appropriate access can still copy files to
and from it.
If you're needing to regularly share files across a network with a
small number of people then using OS X's File Sharing may be the
solution you need. You don't need to invest in any expensive file
servers and, especially with Mountain Lion, it's incredibly easy to set
up and configure.
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