Pixelmator is a great alternative but even that is $30—a lot to spend on an application you may only use occasionally. If you want something free, just for occasionally editing photos, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP, is open source and has been around for almost 20 years.
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make simple photo edits using GIMP. After this tutorial you’ll know how to crop your photos, increase their brightness and contrast, adjust the saturation, convert them to black and white, sharpen them and export them for social media. Watch the screencast to see me go through the whole process with one of my images. To get the Cliff’s Notes of what I do in the screencast, check out the written tutorial below.
Getting Started With GIMP
GIMP is the closest thing there is to a free and open-source Photoshop. While it does not offer some of Photoshop’s best features—such as non-destructive image editing—or have the same level of polish, it has all the tools you need to perform simple, and not-so-simple, image edits.As GIMP is open source there are alternative builds with different plug-ins and features. For this tutorial, any recent version will do. If you do not have a copy of GIMP on your system, you can get one from the GIMP on OS X website.
Open GIMP once you have it installed in the Applications folder.
Opening Images
To open an image in GIMP select Open from the File menu. Navigate to the location of the photo you want to edit and select it. Press Open to load the image into GIMP.Cropping Images
To crop an image in GIMP select the Crop Tool from the toolbar. Click on the image and drag a marque around the area you want to crop to. To constrain the aspect ratio of the crop hold down the Shift key while you drag. To crop to a specific size use the options in the Toolbar Options panel. Press Return to accept the crop you have made.Editing Brightness and Contrast
There are many ways to to change the brightness and contrast of an image in GIMP. The simplest is to use a Brightness-Contrast adjustment. From the Colors menu select Brightness–Contrast…. To increase the brightness or contrast, drag the relevant slider to the right. To decrease them instead, drag the slider to the left. Once you are happy with the changes click OK or press Return.Tip: Make sure the Preview checkbox is checked so you can see how the changes effect the image.
Editing Saturation
Select Hue–Saturation… from the Colors menu. You can adjust the saturation of a specific colour by selecting it from the colour wheel. To adjust the saturation of the whole image select Master. For most simple image editing you will only use the Lightness and Saturation sliders. To change how light or dark the colours in the image are, use the Lightness slider. To change their saturation, use the Saturation slider. Once again, dragging the slider to the right increases the values and dragging it to the left decreases them.Tip: Many OS X default keyboard shortcuts—such as Command-Z for undo—work in GIMP.