Fight off Colds and Bronchitis with This Banana & Honey Mixture

The banana & honey mixture is something you need to the end of the winter. We are going to survive these colds and everything that comes with it. Just hold on for a couple of weeks.

Maybe this mixture is what you missed for the winter. Drink it as a prevention, and you won’t have any problems moving forward.
The recipe is simple. You are already familiar with the ingredients. When somebody mentions banana and honey, I always think of pancakes. I haven’t made pancakes for a while, and I think tomorrow morning is the perfect moment.
Anyway, back to the mixture.

Fight off Colds and Bronchitis with This Banana & Honey Mixture
Serious Eats
People enjoy in this remedy because it contains probably the oldest ingredients on the planet when it comes to a sore throat and lungs. Honey is famous for its ability to soothe the lungs and throat in no time. It stops a cough and with that, it acts against bronchitis.
Thanks to the antioxidants in the banana, this mixture is good for both the children and adults.
The taste is amazing, and you would want to consume it on a daily basis without interruptions.
Let’s check the whole recipe:


  • 400 ml boiling water
  • Two medium ripe bananas with dots
  • Two tablespoons 100% natural raw honey


  • Peel the ripe bananas
  • Mash them with a wooden spoon
  • Put the bananas in a pot and add the water
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes
  • Add honey after the remedy completely cools down
  • Stir the mixture
*Note: It’s important to add the honey last because if you add it while it’s hot, the honey could lose all of its good properties.


  • You need to drink 100 ml of this remedy four times a day
  • Prepare it fresh every day, every morning.
  • You will be able to see the first results in a week
There you have it.
It’s delicious. It’s healthy. And the best thing is that it will protect you going further.

What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Trying everything you can to prevent that annoying flu from getting you is really important.
I really hate it when I catch a cold. My nose feels like a broken tap with water coming out all the time.
My eyes look like I’ve been crying my whole life. That annoying cough feels like my chests are on the verge of explosion.
You know how it feels. Medications don’t help. They only make my body immune to drugs.

A Mixture That Prevents Colds and Flu From Attacking You
Even the doctors say that there is no need to take medications for colds.
That’s how found this new mixture for all of us. I mean, it’s new because I have just found it.
The mixture is very simple and contains all the needed ingredients for you to be protected from a flu attack.

Here is what you need:

  • Sesame tahini
  • Honey

Here is how to prepare it:

  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey into a bowl
  • Add 1 tablespoon of sesame tahini
  • Mix until you get an even mixture
This combination is very natural. You can make it like this or add some additional ingredients for better taste.
The taste like this is awesome. I already tried it. But for tomorrow I think about adding garlic to it.
I think it would be more effective if it contains garlic.

Why this mixture works?

It has all the potential to be really effective. It will boost and protect your immune system.
Sesame and honey will work together to strengthen up your muscular system, stimulate mental activity, and increase physical endurance.
Both of them are good for treating constipation and several stomach diseases.
It’s preferred to take a tablespoon of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.

A Mixture That Prevents Colds and Flu From Attacking You
It has the best effect if it’s taken like that.
As you can see, both of them are natural and used when someone catches a cold.
Let’s put a stop to the cases of flu and colds that are all around us.
Make sure your friends know about this. They need it, too.


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