Retro Running Burns Fat 6 Times Faster than Jogging

The retro running is the new trend that is circling the park. I saw a few people doing it while I was coming back from work. It was a nice flashback when my husband was telling me about this new way of burning calories.
Some people call it running backward because that’s exactly what it is. It’s the opposite of what we are used to seeing outside in the park or the gym. It’s hard as hell.
However, that’s a perfect way to get your cardio, fresh air, and mood enhancing endorphins.
Retro Running Burns Fat 6 Times Faster than Jogging
Unlike jogging, which is a great way of burning fat and calories, by the way, there is this retro running that does good on your joints, promotes creativity, and draw a significant amount of attention.
In other words, everyone will stare at you without blinking wondering what in the world are you doing.
This is how you do it:
When you do the retro running, your heart rate beats faster. This means that the cardiovascular health is strengthening up on a short term. It’s also ten six times more effective at burning calories than jogging and ten times more effective at burning calories at walking speed.
If this means that you can burn more calories at shorter time period, you need to try this tomorrow right away.
The conclusion would be that running backward will give you great improvements to your fitness goals.
Another great thing about this amazing exercise is that it involves different muscles. The retro running will involve the calves, shins, and quads. It’s also ideal for assisting and achieving better posture.
You know how after a long and good run your joints feel like they’ve been through fire. Well, the retro running relieves the impact on the joints. It doesn’t come with the same issues jogging does. You land on your toes that provide nice and soft impact. Your weight and energy are dispersed along your whole foot.


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