Brew a Cup of This Tea to Beat Indigestion

 Heartburn, gas, heavy stomach, and sleepiness are part of your daily life? 

Although they might be common for people who went over the line during lunch, they are also symptoms of bad digestion. Did you know?

If you want to treat bad or even slow digestion, the best thing is to try this natural medicine we will teach in today's video. 

Have you ever heard that mint or peppermint can help you with this? 

It is true, peppermint and mint are from the same family, and both can help you treat the stomach issues related to digestion. 

Peppermint tea can reduce bloating, prevent flatulence and prevent colic, which can be very uncomfortable. 

But, besides peppermint, the ingredients of today's recipe also include marjoram and fennel. 

Have you ever heard about the combination of these three herbs? 

Marjoram alleviates slow digestion and reduces the sensation of colic. 

Fennel keeps abdominal distension at bay, which is caused by gas, and with that also helps to prevent acidity. 

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Are you ready to learn how to prepare this infusion and improve your digestion? 

To get rid once and for all, it is worth analyzing your mood, ingestion of fats, and even check for food intolerances.  

These factors tend to affect our digestion, and can even lead to weight gain. So, it is time to analyze yourself! 

Do you suffer from heavy or slow digestion? Give this infusion a try and then share your opinions with us in the comments.


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