Apples are amazing fruits. You surely have heard that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Well, apple is one of the most used fruits to make juices and teas, and, many times is used as a base for other mixtures since it is cheap.
Did you know that both the pulp and the peel of an apple are rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium? Apples also have fiber and a powerful antioxidant called quercetin.
Apples are great for reducing blood pressure, improving brain function, reducing the risk of diabetes, helping with constipation, preventing cancer, fighting asthma, preventing cavities, improving immunity and bone health, alleviating stomach issues, preventing eye diseases, and slowing aging. Isn't it amazing?
Did you know that you can make apple sugar at home?
With less than half of the calories of traditional sugar, this fruit gained its first refined version intended for the final consumer.
Oh, you also can make apple sugar at home in a very natural way.
How to make apple sugar? Watch the video to learn how!
Some of the benefits of apple sugar are:
Free of preservatives
Helps with weight loss
Facilitates intestinal transit
Are there any contraindications for apple sugar?
As a general rule, there are no contraindications concerning apple sugar. However, when in doubt, it is better to talk to a health professional before making any changes or additions to your diet.
It is worth remembering that, even though apple sugar is the healthier version, it is still a sugar, and thus, must be consumed with moderation.
The excessive consumption of sugar may cause obesity, diabetes, and heart issues.