How to Reduce Dementia Symptoms with Melissa Essential Oil

The Melissa Essential Oil is also known as the lemon balm oil. People are using it for years now to treat numerous health issues like anxiety, insomnia, and migraines.

The fresh lemon scent makes people feel better right away. It feeds your body and mind with antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
On top of this, the scientists were able to discover something interesting. The Melissa Essential Oil gave an amazing ability to serve as a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s.
Let’s check what it can do:

  1. Improves Alzheimer’s Symptoms

The scientists at Newcastle General Hospital’s Institute for Aging and Health revealed a trial to see the real value in Alzheimer’s treatment.
They used some unique method to “drain” the effects of the Melissa oil for agitation in people with dementia.
The discovery came as excellent news.
60% of the Melissa oil group experienced a 30% reduction of anxiety. There is still a long road ahead, but scientists are on the right path.


  1. Prevents and Treats Infections

Research found that this oil gives better treatment results against bacterial strains, including candida.
The Melissa Essential Oil has a bigger level of antibacterial activity than lavender oil.
  1. Promotes Healthy Skin

People already use the oil against skin problems. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It helps you clear the skin conditions caused by fungus and bacteria.
  1. Treats Various Viruses and Herpes

A study, which was first published in Phytomedicine, says that a higher amount of the Melissa oil could heal herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2.
  1. Fights off Depression

This study comes out saying that people use this oil to fight off depression, improve anxiety, and cognition.
  1. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Research in Cardiovascular Medicine’s study found the link between the Melissa Essential Oil and electrocardiogram.
Electrocardiogram is a test for checking up the electrical problems with your heart.
  1. Relieves PMS Symptoms

Results from one study say that women who are using this oil feel the relief of PMS symptoms. The women who from the test were taking 1,200 mg of the oil during their menstrual cycle.

How to use it?

Here is a video that will lead you through the process of using this oil.

That’s how you use the Melissa Essential Oil for many health benefits.


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