This is how all of your excuses for how you don’t have time start to vanish.
All jokes aside. It’s time for you to focus. Summer is coming. I know we all have busy lives, but if we don’t pay attention to our health and fitness, you are going to suffer the consequences.
Exercising on a regular basis boosts your well-being and helps you relieve stress.
The benefits of being active are bigger and stronger than sitting at home eating junk food and thinking about how great would be to start working out one day.
Sounds familiar?
If you can’t clear time for a workout, the 4-minute Tabata workout is what you need right now.
What is The Tabata Workout?
You can have a great workout at home. You just need four minutes a day, and you are on a great path to becoming healthier and stronger.This workout is a high-intensity workout that will make you feel burn in your muscles. It has a straightforward and efficient routine encouraging the sweat and fat to go out of your body.
I know you have your doubts right now. How will a 4-minute training make me fit and healthy?
The fast-intensity training will let you spring for 20 seconds and catch a breath for 10 seconds. It sounds amazingly simple and easy, but you will go out of breath in the first two minutes.
Dr. Izumi Tabata is behind this routine. According to a study from 1996, the 4-minute Tabata workout is fast, simple, and efficient. During the study, there were two groups of athletes. The first group performed medium-intensity exercises for a longer period. The second group performed the Tabata workout for short periods of time.
The first group saw an increase in their aerobic capacity by 9.5% and anaerobic capacity by 0% after 6 weeks.
On the other hand, the second group saw a 14% increase in their aerobic and 28% in their anaerobic capacity.
Can you see the effectiveness?
Here is one below:
Let’s start sweating now. I hope you and your friends will enjoy this short but effective workout.