Healthy Risks When You Need To Avoid Garlic

Garlic is one of the most powerful plants in the world which is in use for thousands of years thanks to its powerful healing properties. Garlic is the regular guest in our menus but also the plant which we often turn to when we catch a cold or have a flue.
People know it like the natural antibiotic, and experts confirm that it really has healing properties. Garlic contains almost a hundred active chemical compounds, and among them, there is a few antioxidants – compounds which reduce consumption and load of the cells.
Still, it is not clear how all components of garlic work in our body, but it certainly works as antibiotic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, it counteracts fungi and some types of viruses.
Garlic can do all of this thanks to allicin by which garlic is defending itself from bacteria attacks and fungus.

Besides all this good & healthy properties of garlic there are some cases when is better to avoid consuming of it:

1. Patients before surgery

  • It is recommended that patients who will be subjected to surgery stop taking garlic at least two weeks before it because it can prolong the bleeding process.

2. People & low blood pressure

  • Garlic can lower blood pressure, so in theory, consuming it can cause overly low pressure.

3. People who have liver problems

  • Although garlic can kill bacteria and viruses it should not be used in the prevention of hepatitis virus.
  • This is because certain elements of garlic can cause stimulation of stomach and bowels which can inhibit secretion of digestive juice in the digestive tract where it affects food digestion and makes worse many symptoms that patient has, such as nausea.
  • Besides that, some of its components reduce the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which means that excessive use of garlic can cause anemia.

4. People who suffer from eye diseases

  • Group of people who should not eat garlic is patients who suffer from eye diseases, especially those who have bad health.
  • Traditional Chinese medicine promotes that consumption of garlic in large amounts on a regular basis can damage eyes and liver, but also can cause loss of memory, buzzing in the ears and other health problems.
  • The conclusion is that moderation in the use of garlic is making the difference between health and sickness, so be careful with garlic because it really is one power plant.


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