A 10-Year Study Linked Diet Soda With Frightening Diseases

Every time you drink a glass of diet soda you think about how damaging it could be for your health. But, the label says otherwise.

A recent study found that this is no other than a marketing scam.
The manufacturers made us believe that the diet soda is a healthier option and charged us a fortune.
A group of doctors led by Dr. Ankur Vyas decided to test this product and see whether it’s damaging or improving our health.
The study was conducted by the University of Iowa. More than 60,000 people were part of this 10-year period.
The goal was finding more details about why it’s a healthier option and pointing out the effects of aspartame.
For those who haven’t heard about the artificial sweetener, aspartame replaces sugar in the diet drinks.

A 10-Year Study Linked Diet Soda With Frightening Diseases

The Results:

The findings of the study are something that will make you love water more than ever.
Dr. Ankur found that two or more diet sodas every day increase the risk of a cardiovascular disease by 30%. Like this wasn’t enough, the study shows that the risk of you dying from a cardiovascular disease is increased by 50%.
These results were leading in front of other disease boosters like BMI, physical activity, and smoking.
One in five Americans drinks diet soda every day. If you consider things closely, that’s almost 17% of the whole population, which equals to 5 million people.
Now I can see why Dr. Vyas said that drinking diet soda on a daily basis could have “significant public health implications.”

Continue reading if you want to find out how Aspartame causes cardiovascular diseases.

The study we were talking about since the beginning, doesn’t expose the definite link between the heart illness and aspartame.
A 10-Year Study Linked Diet Soda With Frightening Diseases

However, there is an additional medical knowledge that could fit aspartame here correctly.
For example, Dr. Mercola says that when a pregnant woman consumes aspartame, she increases the child’s risk of obesity. If you think outside of the box, obesity is the no.1 reason for cardiovascular disease.
Can you see where this is going?
Aspartame increases the risk of depression. Sometimes the depression is so underestimated. People think it’s nothing. It will pass. We just need to calm down.
Calming down is hard while you are under the influence of depression and anxiety.
As long as you struggling to cool down, your body is the perfect environment for developing a cardiovascular disease.
Plus, it leads to other provokers of conditions like alcohol abuse, smoking, and no exercise.
If cardiovascular diseases weren’t enough, check out the full list of health risks you are exposed to when a person consumes aspartame.
  • Hyperactivity
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Personality changes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty managing diabetes
  • Seizures
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lupus
  • ALS. We all failed at some point. It’s not important how painful was at the moment. Every time we think of it now we fell laughing.
    Not long ago all of my friends gathered at my place for dinner. We started remembering the times when we were young. You know how memories are. All fails and funny moments were brought up on the table.
    We couldn’t stop laughing until 2 AM and still, some things remain untold.
    When these fails crossed my eyes, I knew it’s something that will make you laugh hard.
    Becoming healthy is not the easiest job in the world. It’s pretty hard, and I can’t think of a person that didn’t fail like this.
    If you are at work at the moment, wait for the break and show it to all of your co-workers.
    Those who are on a diet at the moment can relate to this easily.
    When the laughing stops try to turn your attention to something else. The fails could serve you as an example what to avoid doing when you are trying out a new lifestyle.
    Are you ready for this? – Let’s start:

    1. 2 Tiny Slices

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    2. One of those Ice-Cream Gyms

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    3. Again

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    4. When “cheat day” comes

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    5. … or one cheat meal

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    6. The diet coke will save the healthy breakfast

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    7. It’s time for diet

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    8. You are right

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    9. The end of a good diet run

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    10. OMG

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To

    11. LOOL

    22 Hilarious Diet Fails You Can Relate To


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