Homemade Cancer-Free Mouthwash for a Healthy Mouth

Why cancer free?

The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology collaborated with the Glasgow University’s Dental School and found concerning information about mouth and throat cancer.
Until now, we have concerned just about cigarettes as the most dangerous cancer-givers. Now, it came out that poor dental care and excessive use of mouthwash could lead to cancer.
You can find the study in Oral Oncology. The researchers found that the two most important factors for oral cancer were alcohol and tobacco.
Each one of these factors comes with carcinogenic effect. The worst part is that many smokers are using these mouthwashes.
When combined, the risk is doubled making the smokers and drinkers almost sure to suffer from oral cancer.
Homemade Cancer-Free Mouthwash for a Healthy Mouth

Why I’m mentioning mouthwash when this is related to alcohol and cigarettes?

Have you ever checked the label of your mouthwash? – Most of them contain alcohol and other toxins and chemicals that could harm your health.
Chemicals like:
  • Chlorhexidine – The chemical linked to increased blood pressure
  • Alcohol – The Dental Journal of Australia found evidence saying that alcohol enhances the risk of developing an oral cancer
  • Hexetidine – A chemical that causes clotting in parts of the brain and causes failure over time. It has carcinogenic properties
  • Methyl Salicylate – 1 tablespoon of this compound equals to over 23 300mg aspirin pills. It says enough.
  • Benzalkonium Chloride – An allergen that causes irritations
  • Cetylpyridinium Chloride – Contains massive amounts of alcohol and leads to pain, sensitivity, and irritation to the tongue.
Another proof why I refuse to believe that all these products on the market can do well for my health.
There are exceptions all right. But they are rare!


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