Bloating is often mistaken for stomach fat and it occurs when the normal flow of gas (produced in the colon after we eat or drink), is disrupted in some way getting trapped, resulting in distention and discomfort.
The good news is that there are lots of simple tweaks that can counteract common bloat-inducers. Here’s how to avoid stomach bloating.
Bloating may occur due to a number of reasons including:
In many cases, high sodium intake may cause bloating by retaining water in the body. The potassium present in bananas counteracts the effects of sodium and helps in maintaining the balance of potassium and sodium in the body. In addition, Bananas is also high in pectin that helps in digestion and flushing out of toxins from the body. The fibers in bananas help to relieve problems of constipation, and it also soothes an upset stomach. Add this power fruit to your daily diet to enjoy its numerous benefits.
There’s a reason why people use cucumber to reduce swelling under their eyes. “It’s high in silica, caffeic acid (the skin), and vitamin C, which reduce swelling and aid in the prevention of water retention,” Middle berg says. So, just like cucumber helps your eyes de-puff, it will help your stomach debloat, too.
Slice it and put it into the water for a simple fix, or make a chilled cucumber soup to sip for a few days leading up to your next beach trip.
Safely forget about the costly cosmetic procedures and focus on these foods and rectify the issue in a simple and safe way. Please do not forget to drop in a few words about how this article has helped you.
The good news is that there are lots of simple tweaks that can counteract common bloat-inducers. Here’s how to avoid stomach bloating.
Bloating may occur due to a number of reasons including:
- Overeating
- Food sensitivities e.g. intolerance or sensitivity to gluten and/or lactose
- An imbalance between the good and bacteria in your gut
- Constipation
- Stress
- Hormonal imbalance
- Swallowing air, eating too fast, chewing gum
1. Ginger:
Ginger is Middle berg’s go-to food for a bloated belly because it’s an anti-inflammatory and a powerhouse digestive aid. Plus, it’s super easy to include in your regular diet. You can add fresh ginger to smoothies and salad dressings. And Middle berg suggests making a homemade tea for extra bloat fighting power or sipping it in a ginger lemonade. (Wakaya ginger powder dissolves easily in water.)2. Spinach:
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, watercress, and kale are a great source of insoluble fibers that help in keeping the digestive tract clear and reduce the problem of gas and bloating. These leafy greens also work as a natural diuretic that helps flush out the toxins and waste. But make it a point to have these leafy greens in the cooked form in order to reap maximum benefits. A cup of cooked spinach contains 4 g of insoluble fiber. Therefore, stock up on the leafy greens to cut out belly puffing.3. Banana:
In many cases, high sodium intake may cause bloating by retaining water in the body. The potassium present in bananas counteracts the effects of sodium and helps in maintaining the balance of potassium and sodium in the body. In addition, Bananas is also high in pectin that helps in digestion and flushing out of toxins from the body. The fibers in bananas help to relieve problems of constipation, and it also soothes an upset stomach. Add this power fruit to your daily diet to enjoy its numerous benefits.
4. Pineapple:
Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which helps your body break down the protein that otherwise could cause stomach issues, Harb street says. The stem and core of the fruit have a higher concentration of the enzyme than outer bites, so try juicing the core and sipping it solo or adding it to your favorite smoothie mix to tap into the de-bloating benefits, Herbstreit says.5. Watermelon:
This summertime fruit lives up to its name: The melon is made up of 92 percent water, which means your body gets the fluids it needs to keep your digestive system moving and prevent bloating. As an added bonus, watermelon also contains plenty of potassium, an electrolyte that, in combination with sodium, helps the body maintain hydration and beat bloat.6. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is made of soluble and insoluble fibers that help in proper digestion and reducing the problem of constipation that is often the main cause of bloating. The insoluble fibers in oats work as a cleanser of the intestines, flushing out waste from every nook and cranny while regularizing bowel movement at the same time. Try to include bran cereals like oats in your daily diet to cut out belly bloating and have a flat abdomen.7. Papaya:
Papaya is a tropical fruit and contains the digestive enzyme, papain. Papain is used like bromelain to break down proteins, as mentioned above. Papain is great for repairing tissues and is an anti-inflammatory. Add some to your next fruit salad to reduce the bloat!8. Cucumber:
There’s a reason why people use cucumber to reduce swelling under their eyes. “It’s high in silica, caffeic acid (the skin), and vitamin C, which reduce swelling and aid in the prevention of water retention,” Middle berg says. So, just like cucumber helps your eyes de-puff, it will help your stomach debloat, too.
Slice it and put it into the water for a simple fix, or make a chilled cucumber soup to sip for a few days leading up to your next beach trip.
9. Yogurt:
The helpful bacteria types, namely- lactobacillus, acidophilus, and Bifidus present in natural yogurt helps in digestion and cuts out excess gas and bloating. Yogurt is always a better option than milk, because yogurt is already pre-digested and, therefore, there is no need for the body to break down the milk glucose. In order to reap maximum benefits from yogurt, it is best to opt for unflavored and unsweetened natural yogurt that has the highest presence of active cultures.Safely forget about the costly cosmetic procedures and focus on these foods and rectify the issue in a simple and safe way. Please do not forget to drop in a few words about how this article has helped you.