Black Cumin Oil: The Only Oil You Need For Your Health

Have you ever heard about the benefits, know, or have ever used black cumin?  

Nigella sativa, a plant originally from South and Southwest Asia, is a black seed or a fennel flower and is also known by other names, like Roman coriander, black seed, black caraway, and others.  

This herb is not widely known, but it is highly efficient against digestive and respiratory issues. 

According to researchers, the oil from black cumin seeds contains linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, and other compounds,  and also thymoquinone, when produced as an essential oil (isolated). 

According to scientific studies, the black cumin oil and its extract are beneficial to treat many inflammatory diseases, including almost all types of cancer.  

This is because of a substance called thymoquinone, which has an antioxidant action and improves the immune system. Did you know that?  

Besides that, this substance helps the body eliminate old cells, which are either unnecessary or are sick, without releasing toxins, all while controlling the survival of normal cells (apoptosis).  

Besides that, cumin can also be used to treat other diseases.

But not everything is good. Some of the main contraindications of black cumin are for pregnant and nursing women, who must never consume it, and also for people with sensitive skin and children, who must avoid applying the oil directly over the skin.  


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