Why Your Gut May Be Causing You Acne (And How To Fix This)

 If you in your 30s and 40s and still get pimples on your face, this video is for you!

Did you know that acne is not an issue exclusively for teenagers? During the teenage years, acne concentrates in the T zone (forehead, nose, and chin).

 However, during adult life, acne presents itself in a "U" formation, appearing more in the jaw and neck. 

Did you know that adults can still get pimples? Do you know why it happens?

Although it is, many times, related to the hormonal levels typical of puberty, there are other causes for acne during adult life. 

Some of them are endocrine disorders and hormonal variations, external factors (sun and pollution), diet, and even stress. 

But, besides all that, did you know that intestinal issues can also cause acne? 

Watch the video and learn how to heal your gut and get rid of acne!

If you have any questions, seek the help of a nutritionist to help you.


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