How to Whiten Teeth in a Week with Only Two Ingredients

Do you have white teeth or are they yellowing?

Even if they clean their teeth twice a day, some people's teeth are discolored by drinking coffee, tea, or smoking.

Many individuals believe that only 'dangerous' foods may cause tooth stains, however this is not the case. Any black meal might cause your teeth to become discolored.

The following are some of the causes of teeth becoming yellow, beige, or brown:

- Drinking coffee or tea; - Smoking; - Age-related enamel erosion; - Acid-rich processed foods, like as sodas, sweets, or some fruits; - Antibiotics; - Genetic variables

Fortunately, several simple and effective DIY recipes can help you naturally whiten your teeth.

Let's have a look at how to whiten your teeth with only two simple items.

You'll need the following ingredients for this recipe:

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, making it effective against gingivitis and a natural teeth whitener.

Coconut oil is a potent bactericide and germicide that is good for destroying oral bacteria. It also aids in tooth whitening. Coconut oil has antibacterial qualities, which are beneficial to your gums.

See how simple and inexpensive it is to whiten your teeth?

Try it out and let us know what you think in the comments!

Link video below:


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