2024 Dirty Dozen: Avoid Pesticides with These Essential Organic Shopping Tips

The 2024 edition of the "Dirty Dozen" list unveils the fruits and vegetables with the most substantial pesticide residues. Leading the list are strawberries, spinach, kale, and grapes, with over 75% of tested samples containing multiple pesticide residues. These chemicals present significant health risks, particularly to children, and can also adversely affect the environment.

Conversely, the "Clean Fifteen" list features produce such as avocados, sweet corn, and pineapples, which generally exhibit minimal or undetectable levels of pesticides. The recommendations emphasize purchasing organic versions of "Dirty Dozen" items to minimize pesticide exposure. Additionally, caution is advised regarding non-organic tea, wine, and other products that might contain high concentrations of harmful substances like glyphosate.

This summary encapsulates the essential findings from the Environmental Working Group's annual analysis of pesticide residues, highlights the associated health and environmental issues, and offers guidance on selecting fruits and vegetables that are safer to purchase conventionally or organically.


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