In this tutorial you'll learn an easy technique to create your own custom sun ray brushes. To do that you'll use different filters and color adjustments.
These brushes are great if you want to enhance the existing light on your photos or add special effects to your photo manipulations or paintings.
I'll show you how you can create two basic brushes in this tutorial. After that you can play with different settings to create many more. Let's get started!
1. Prepare the Base for the Sun Rays
Step 1
Create a new document in Photoshop. Set its Width and Height to 5000 Pixels andResolution to 72. Press OK.
Step 2
Grab the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Pick black color and fill the Background layer with it.
Create a new empty layer and name it SUN RAYS.
Step 3
Grab the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) and select the middle part of the image.
Go to Select > Modify > Feather Selection and set Feather Radius to 200 pixels. Press OK.
Step 4
Set black as your background and white as your foreground.
Make sure the SUN RAYS layer is active by clicking on it. Go to Filter > Render > Clouds.
Go to Edit > Deselect.
2. Create Various Sun Rays
To create the sun rays you need to blur the clouds you rendered in the previous step. There are plenty of variations of rays you can create. In this tutorial I'll show you how to create two different brushes.
Step 1
Right click on the SUN RAYS layer and select Duplicate layer... Name the new layer SUN RAYS 1.
Make the SUN RAYS layer invisible by clicking on the eye icon to the left of the layer.
Click on the SUN RAYS 1 layer. Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur and set the panel as shown below. Set Amount to 99 and select Zoom Blur Method. Move the Blur Center to the top left corner.
After you're done, press OK. Take a look at the result of this step.
Step 2
To make the sun rays more visible, go to Image > Adjustments > Levels and set the Input Levels to 25; 0,65; 205. Press OK.
Step 3
To add more details to the rays, you'll sharpen them a little in this step. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask and set the Amount value to 1% and Radius to 180 Pixels. Press OK.
This is the base for your first brush. Make this layer invisible for now by clicking on the eye icon on the left side of the layer so you can focus on creating another brush.
Step 4
Right-click on the SUN RAYS layer and select Duplicate layer... Name the new layer SUN RAYS 2.
Step 5
Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur and set the Amount to 99. Select Zoom Blur Method and set the Blur Center to the upper center of the image.
Press OK. To create a more visible effect, press Control-F on your keyboard to repeat it.
Step 6
To make the sun rays narrower, go to Edit > Free Transform and transform them as shown below.
Press OK to apply the changes.
3. Create the Brushes
You've already created shapes of your brushes. Now you need to make the actual brushes from them. I'll show you how to do that on the first brush. The process is completely the same for the second brush.
Step 1
Make the SUN RAYS 1 layer visible and the SUN RAYS and SUN RAYS 2 layers invisible.
You need to invert the colors to create the proper shape of the brushes. Add a new Invert adjustment layer on the top of all layers.
Go to Select > All to select the whole image. Go to Edit > Copy Merged to copy it and Edit > Paste to paste it.
Step 2
Go to Edit > Define Brush Preset ... and name the brush Sun Rays 1.
Step 3
Do exactly the same with the SUN RAYS 2 layer to create another brush.