AMAZING: This 2-ingredient remedy removes all spots from your face in just 3 nights!

In today's article, we are going to present you several recipes for the preparation of remedies that will remove the spots from your face.

For the preparation, you will need completely natural ingredients.

Potato and lemon
1 potato
juice of ½ lemon
Preparation: first blend the potato and then add the lemon juice and mix well until you get a homogenous mixture.
Use: Apply this home remedy on your face with gentle circular movements. Leave it to act for 20 minutes and wash off your face with water.

Potato and onion
1 potato
½ white onion
Preparation: put the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Use: Apply the resulted mixture on the affected areas of your face. Let it act for 15 minutes and wash your face with water.
Potato and cucumber
You need:

1 potato
½ cucumber
Preparation: put the potato and the cucumber in a blender and mix until the ingredients are united.
Use: with gentle circular movements apply this with on your face. Let it act about 25 minutes and wash off with plenty of water.
Potato and carrot

1 potato
½ carrot
Preparation: put the potato and carrot in a blender and blend until you get a homogenous and smooth paste.
Use: apply the resulted mask on your face with gentle movements. Let it act for 20 minutes and wash off with plenty of water.



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