How a normal day looks from Mom’s and kid’s perspectives

For parenting, the days are long and the years are short.

It’s a common phrase we often hear, and it’s just so true. As a parent, raising our kids can be arduous and stressful at times. Our children may test our patience in ways we never thought possible. But as they age and grow older, we soon realize how little time we had with them.
Recently, vlogger Esther Anderson, also known on YouTube as Story of This Life, created a video titled “A Normal Day.” It’s a touching video that explores a mother’s long day with her two young children, but you get to see the day from both the mother’s perspective and the daughter’s perspective.
While you can expect what Mom sees (as any parent can relate), you’ll be touched by what happens when you look at the day through her child’s eyes.
This video is truly special, and it’s worth watching.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Story of This Life


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