If you are willing to let this health endangerers, it’s time for me to show you how to use the cream of tartar and get away from the nicotine once and for all.
The tartar comes with numerous health benefits. It’s a powder that the public knows as potassium hydrogen tartrate. It’s that sediment that comes from the bottom of a wine barrel.
Nope, there is no alcohol left there, so don’t worry about it.
So, how to flush nicotine out and quit smoking?
I’m glad you asked or thought about asking.You need to take a freshly squeezed orange juice and mix it with the cream of tartar. It’s how you flush nicotine out effectively while drinking something tasty.
When I saw this method, I thought about trying it out to see whether it’s tasty like people say or not.
I think I’m in love with it. If you need something that tastes like wine, but without the alcohol amount, then this is for you.
The best part about it is that the benefits don’t stop here.
Some people reflect on it as the great saver that made them quit smoking by creating an aversion for the taste of the smoke.
Therefore, if you want to quit smoking the devil, you would want to start drinking cream of tartar mixed with natural orange juice.
The role of orange juice in this mixture is to feed your body with Vitamin C levels which are low as a result of the chemicals in your favorite cigarettes.
All you have to do is drink a medium glass of orange juice with ½ a tsp. Cream of tartar every night for a month.
One week to flush nicotine and the rest of it to make you quit smoking.
So, what are you waiting for? Strong will, foods, and mixtures like these will keep your nicotine addiction away.