Here Are 8 Gross Things About You Are Actually Signs Of Good Health

Your body gives out signs that are a sign of good health. Well, there are a few interesting things that our body does, which can be a positive sign.

Your body has an effective defense and alert mechanism that gives you signs of either impaired or proper functioning of the body and it would help to know and understand these distinctive signals.
So, here are a few unexpected things your body does, which are a bit gross, but are indicators of good health:

1. Large bowel movements

  • There are days when you go to the bathroom and experience a proper evacuation and emptiness in your stomach.
  • Well, this can be considered as a sign of good health.
  • If you experience large bowel movements, minus food particles your body is signaling a good and healthy digestive system.
  • In addition, they are a good sign if they happen at the same time every day.

2. Going to the bathroom several times

  • In addition to large bowel movements going to the bathroom several times a day is shocking, but a good sign.
  • The general perception is that going to the bathroom more than once a day is not a good sign but that's not the case.
  • It is shocking that we need to poop almost two to three times a day or after every meal.
  • Well, the emphasis is not on what you are eating, but it is supposed to trigger the digestive systems peristalsis movement to evacuate what you had eaten approximately 12 hours prior.

3. Producing too much earwax

  • Well, everyone has been a victim of earwax and the only difference is the degree or rather the amount, that decides whether our body is functioning right or not.
  • Cerumen, most commonly known as earwax is produced from the specialized glands of the body with the purpose of lubricating and protecting the inner walls of the ear canal.

4. Fluid excretion

  • It may be alarming that your body produces cervical fluid almost all day, but it is a sign of good health.
  • It is useful in a variety of ways primarily when you are trying to conceive.
  • It varies in color and texture, but in an idealistic situation, it is white like that of a raw egg, slippery, clear, and stringy.

5. Passing Gas

  • Passing gas is generally considered to be embarrassing, but it is completely natural and a healthy thing to do.
  • It is also a good thing to do for your gut health.
  • Eating prebiotic fibers and they pass undigested into your large intestine because the good gut bacteria use this prebiotics as food to multiply themselves and produce wind or gas.

6. Eyes moving when you sleep

  • Who doesn't love to enjoy a good 6-7 hours sleep and get up all refreshed and rejuvenated the next morning?
  • It might be absurd, but your eyes move and roll when you are asleep.
  • If you get quality sleep for a good amount of time then you will experience a good or rather considerable amount of REM (rapid eye movement) in the night.
  • During REM, your eyes will dart back and forth.

7. Forming thick foot calluses

  • If the bottom of your feet has thick calluses it is a sign that your feet are healthy and you have good blood circulation.
  • It also protects the bottom of your feet from injury because the human being tends to run barefoot.
  • You should leave your calluses just like the earwax, get a comfortable amount removed and leave the rest intact to serve its purpose.

8. Flaking & shedding skin

  • Skin shedding can be annoying because of the dry patches, but it is a natural process that sheds the dry skin.
  • The shedding of the dry skin is the body's mechanism to keep your skin vibrant and remove the old stuff.
  • Soaps, washcloth, and sponges remove dry skin without you noticing it, but there are areas where not much attention is given, they would generally have more than usual amounts of skin to shed.
  • Well, despite them being healthy you need to inform and consult your doctor about these odd things if some of the symptoms prolong for too long.



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