The elixir that will improve and strengthen your blood.
This vitamin bomb or curative elixir is great for increasing hemoglobin, raising blood cells and improve overall blood counts.
To prepare this vitamin bomb, you will need:
  • 200 ml of honey
  • 200 gr walnut
  • 200g raisins
  • 200 ml of carrot juice
  • 200 ml of beetroot juice
  • 2 lemons
  • Wash 2 lemons.
  • Cut them in half and remove the seeds.
  • Blend them (but if they are not organic, peel them first) and place them in a bigger glass jar.
  • Add the honey, beetroot juice and carrot juice in the jar and stir.
  • Add finely chopped walnuts and raisins, and mix it all again. Store it in the fridge.
  • Take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
It can be used as long as you want. No side effects, except for an increase in energy.


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