Dental health is a combination of multiple factors – genetics, hygiene, treatment, etc. One thing's for sure: your teeth need your constant attention. If you have less minerals than needed for adequate teeth protection, you'll end up with porous tooth enamel – and the outer layer should be really hard. Tooth demineralization lets tooth decay bacteria take over, and you don't want that.
The good news is, today, you can make your own remineralizing toothpaste, and there are many ways of turning minor tooth decay around and prevent it. The fact that just recently, toothpastes meant for repairing tooth enamel could only be bought with a doctor's permission and contained elements dangerous for today will make you more appreciative of modern-day researchers.
2 or 3 tbsp of cacao powder, or Bentonite Clay, or a combination of both;
3 tbsp of organic coconut oil;
1 tbsp of granulated xylitol;
10 drops of magnesium oil, or trace minerals, or 5 drops of each;
½ tsp of calcium phosphate powder (use a full tsp if you don't add any bentonite clay);
3 drops of clove essential oil;
3 drops of vanilla essential oil.
How it works:
Bentonite clay, xylitol, calcium phosphate, magnesium chloride and clove oil are all calcium-rich and have remineralizing properties. The sweetness of xylitol also covers the bitter taste of other ingredients. Cacao powder (not cocoa!) helps against tooth decay and makes it harder for bacteria to access teeth and gums. The cacao powder also acts as a mild abrasive. Oh yes, and it also tastes really good!
What to do:
Put your dry ingredients into a small glass or a stainless steel bowl. If your coconut oil is solid, put the container in hot water (76'F) for 10-15 minutes. Add the coconut oil in your dry mix and the liquid ingredients and stir until well combined. If the xylitol crystals are still visible, that's ok. That's it – the paste can be stored in a small glass jar with a lid.
It's very important to understand that your homemade remineralizing toothpaste may be a great tooth decay prevention/treatment measure, seeing your dentist regularly is also a must!
What can you do to prevent tooth decay? Learn to manage your stress levels and, of course, balance your diet: you want less sugar and phytic-acid, and more minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.


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