With so much media attention on the obesity epidemic that is prevalent in the world today, people are frantically trying to lose weight. Although a high protein diet might work, it has some side effects that can be mighty uncomfortable.
The most common diet today that uses low-carbs and high-protein intake is the Atkins diet. If you're experiencing some discomfort on a high protein-diet, check out the 10 symptoms below to see if you might be eating too much meat.
1. Dehydration.
- With the lack of carbohydrates, your body starts to burn its own fat reserves, producing ketones.
- As a result, MedicineNet states that your body experiences a "loss of water through the kidneys," resulting in dehydration.
2. Fatigue.
- Although this could prove to be temporary, the Mayo Clinic say to expect to see some fatigue as you cut carbs.
- MedicineNet also points out that a high-protein diet can also create fatigue.
3. Dizziness.
- MedicineNet lists dizziness as another sign of consuming too much meat in your diet.
4. Headaches.
- The Mayo Clinic lists headaches as a possible short-term side effect of reducing carbs while MedicineNet includes them as an effect for too much meat.
5. Heart palpitations.
- Also included in MedicineNet's list of symptoms for too much protein, be on the lookout for heart palpitations.
6. Kidney stones.
- A high-protein diet causes the body to excrete excess calcium through the kidneys, according to Physicians Committee, and create kidney stones.
7. Weakness.
- The Mayo Clinic states that muscle weakness may be noticed as a result of a high-protein, low-carb diet.
8. Constipation.
- Another possible side effect of a too much meat is constipation according to the Mayo Clinic.
9. Diarrhea.
- On the flip side, diarrhea may be what hits instead.
10. Bad breath.
- WebMD states that the chemicals your body produces to burn fat create bad breath.
- According to Berkeley Wellness, the key to eating healthy is "to eat mostly foods derived from plants—vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes (beans, peas, lentils)—and limit highly processed foods."
- By eating a balanced diet, you can avoid the uncomfortable side effects above and feel good about what you eat too!
Source: http://remedydaily.com