Diabetes is a chronic condition, which makes it difficult for your cells to take glucose from the bloodstream and use it.
When you eat high-carb foods like bread and pasta your body absorbs sugar from the stomach into the blood flow. After that, your pancreas secretes hormone insulin in order to convert it into the energy and use it for normal functioning.
In type 1 diabetes, the immune system starts to attack person's own insulin-producing pancreatic cells by mistake that leads to the insufficient generation of this hormone. This commonly occurs because of genetic mutations, which trigger autoimmune processes.
Another type (type 2 diabetes) is an acquired condition, which decreases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. Resistance to this hormone makes it impossible to get enough energy and to work properly.
As a result, blood sugar levels stay elevated, damaging vessels and nerves with passing time.
Poor circulation and reduced innervation can significantly influence the skin appearance, impair sweating and affect its ability to heal.
This usually boosts risks for bacterial and fungal infection. In addition to this, diabetes is associated with some specific skin conditions, including:
1. Diabetic dermopathy
- elevated blood sugar levels can impact on the tiny blood vessels, causing light brown circular harmless patches also called shin spots.
- They commonly appear on the front of the lower limbs.
- It's not rare that people mistake these formations for age spots.
- But unlike age-related changes, diabetic dermopathy wither after one or two years.
2. Acanthosis nigricans
- these tan, brownish or black raised spots commonly appear on the back and sides of the neck, elbows, knees and in the groin, armpits in those, who are obese or extremely overweight.
- The reason is about overproduction of insulin, which is a compensatory mechanism, designed to overcome insulin resistance.
3. Bullosis diabeticorum
- in rare cases, large painless blisters develop on the fingers, toes, hands or legs.
- You don't really need to treat them, as blisters usually go away within three weeks without forming scars.
4. Digital sclerosis
- tight, firm and waxy areas may develop on the skin of the hands, fingers, and toes, so it may be hard even to move.
- Digital sclerosis can also affect your knees, elbows and ankles, although it is uncommon.
5. Necrobiosis lipoidica
- red raised pimple-like bumps may become apparent if your blood glucose levels stay high.
- With time, they turn into brown patches, which look like diabetic dermopathy, but are fewer and deeper.
- This skin condition may be really painful and may sometimes crack open.
6. Eruptive xanthomatosis
- if left unmanaged, diabetes may cause the formation of multiple yellowish tender enlargements.
- You may experience unbearable want to scratch them.
- Xanthomatosis is more likely to happen in men who live with poorly-controlled type 1 diabetes.
- The only way to get rid of them is to normalize blood sugar levels.
7. Granuloma annulare
- nowadays scientists study, whether ring-shaped, slightly raised skin areas to have a link to diabetes.
- They are commonly found on the body regions, which are far from the trunk (ears, fingers etc.)
8. Ulcers
- poor blood circulation and neuropathy make it difficult for your organism to heal sores and wounds effectively.
- Non-healing ulcers most frequently appear on the feet.
- Once you've noticed any of these skin problems in yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, even if your blood sugar was normal earlier.