Oily hair causes discomfort, and also shows problems with health. The reason for fatty hair is a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as a change in their chemical composition. Failure in the body can occur as a result of diseases of the nervous system, hormonal failures, unhealthy eating and taking of certain medicines.
Oily hair is quickly greased and looks stuck from extreme fat release by sebaceous glands. The skin on the face and body of such people also quickly becomes oily. However, different skin areas can have the different activity of the sebaceous glands. With such hair, the facial skin is normal or even dry.
Pay attention to your eating habits, you need to eat less fatty foods of animal origin, to limit sugar and spices consumption, to normalize the metabolism, and to eat more foods containing vitamins B and E. Experts are very optimistic: it turns out that fatty hair is much easier to treat than weakened, brittle or dry. You just need to know how to take care of such hair, to follow simple rules and to use special means. Also, try these natural remedies. They are very effective and inexpensive:
1. Coconut oil. Apply this oil to your hair and scalp for about thirty minutes before you wash your hair.
2. Lemon juice. Mix lemon juice with water and apply to your hair before washing. This mixture can normalize the work of your sebaceous glands.
3. Witch hazel. Mix witch hazel with mouthwash and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp before washing it.
4. Aloe vera gel. This treatment can hydrate your hair very well. You need to apply it for about 5-7 minutes to the hair and scalp.
5. Beer. Rinse your hair with beer after washing it. It can deal with too oily hair.
6. Apple cider vinegar. Mix it with water and apply to your hair and scalp before washing it.