Super Juice to Strengthen and Energize The Body

 It is a fact, you can't increase your immunity. But you can strengthen it. Did you know that?

Immunity is how we call the capability the body has of defending itself from invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi that might cause diseases. 

In the times we are living right now, we need more than ever to ingest foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other substances that help maintain our immune system. Isn't it true?

Thinking about that, we decided to show you an energizing juice to give you more energy and strengthen your body.

Carrot, mango, and ginger are the three main ingredients of this recipe to strengthen the body and prevent flu and colds. 

Do you know why these ingredients are good for the immune system?


The vitamin A found in carrots can improve the anti-inflammatory response of the body, thanks to its antioxidant effects. 


Because of its beta carotene and for being rich in vitamin A, mangoes are powerful antioxidants that inhibit free radicals, preventing the premature aging of the body, benefitting night vision, improving the elasticity of the skin, increasing the shine of hair, strengthening nails, and improving immunity, besides also acting on the metabolism of fats. 


Rich in vitamins C and B6, and also with bactericidal action, ginger does more than just helping treat throat inflammations, helping protect the body. 

Now write down the ingredients 

1 mango, ripe;

Half a carrot, big; 

1 dessert spoon ginger;

1 tablespoon psyllium; 

6.75 oz. water; 


In a blender, combine the water, mango, carrot, ginger, and, lastly, the psyllium. Blend well. 

If you wish, strain and serve with some ice cubes.


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