Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that help the body improves insulin secretion without changing fasting blood glucose. It is also a treatment for tapeworm and other parasites.
According to scientific research, pomegranate has a property to cause a process named apoptosis where it comes to the self-destructing of cancer cells. Except for the benefit of pomegranate juice for lowering of inflammation, the root of pomegranate acts beneficially against many chronic diseases.
Some people use pomegranate for weight loss.
Benefits of Pomegranate Juice for Men
In the many research conducted for men’s erectile dysfunction, the result gained is that it happens because of the close connection it has with free radicals in the body. Knowing that pomegranate juice is filled with antioxidants and free radicals, it is important we mention that this beverage is the key to solving this dysfunction. One glass of pomegranate juice daily can lower the risk of prostate cancer.Benefits of Pomegranate Juice for Women
This beverage is good for women’s health, especially pregnant. It contains folic acid the main component vital for the healthy development of the baby because it enables good blood flow. It also contains high potassium amount that prevents the stiffening of the legs – often appearing in pregnant women. Pomegranate juice also prevents the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells.Pomegranate Juice Recipe
You can prepare freshly squeezed pomegranate juice quickly and easily in your kitchen. The only problem is that with one pomegranate you get a very little amount of juice, though it is an ideal source of vitamins and nutrients. Here we suggest one Pomegranate Juice Recipe: Ingredients:
- 1 cup fresh pomegranate seeds
- 2 teaspoons Fresh Lemon Juice
- 1 bag of Stevia (sugar substitute)
- 1/4 teaspoon Black Salt
- 1 pinch Black pepper powder
- 1½ cups Water
- 4 Ice Cubes
- Mill 1 pomegranate seeds and ½ cup water in a mixer for 10 seconds;
- Take a small glass bowl and pour the pulp through a sieve, while pressing it with a spoon so you will squeeze the pulp juice;
- Add a glass of water, fresh lemon juice, stevia, and black salt. Mix well so the ingredients merge.
- Add Black pepper powder if you wish more pronounced taste and aroma;
- Add two cubes of ice in the glass for a better freshening effect.

NOTE: A LIMITED INTAKE AMOUNT OF POMEGRANATE JUICE IS RECOMMENDED FOR KIDS AND NEWBORNS.You can find more info about pomegranate benefits, interactions with medications, effectiveness, and safety on Medline Plus.
Source: https://everydayhealthyfood.com