Take THIS Vitamin and You Will Be Mosquito Free All Summer Long!

Using a mosquito repellent is the first thing that crosses people’s minds when we talk about protection against those annoying little insects, but did you know that many of the commercial sprays found in stores are packed with harmful chemicals that leave serious side effects in some people. Fortunately, there are a few natural DIY techniques that can help enjoy this summer without these irritating bites.

Even though scientists have not yet determined why mosquitoes skip some persons and target others, many believe that it is the specific odor of some people that attracts them. Individuals who have a high amount of cholesterol or steroids accumulated in their skin tend to drive mosquitoes in their direction.

In addition, individuals with higher amounts of specific acids like uric acid are attracting mosquitoes more than others. These compounds have the ability to activate the sense of smell in mosquitoes.

Researchers claim that individuals who produce larger quantities of CO2 like pregnant women or overweight people, in general, are interesting for mosquitoes too. Generally speaking, if you are involved in some physical activity you will generate more CO2. The bad news is that bites from mosquitoes are not only annoying and itchy, they can also transfer some diseases.

These insects can carry different viruses and diseases including:

  • Dengue – which results in hemorrhagic fever
  • Zika – related to birth defects
  • Malaria – leads to vomiting, chills, and fever
  • West Nile – leads to joint pain, fever, rashes, and vomiting
  • Chikungunya – leads to rashes, joint pain, and nausea

  • Rift Valley Fever – leads to weakness, dizziness and eye problems
  • La Crosse Encephalitis – leads to nausea and fever
  • Snowshoe Hare Virus – leads to rashes, vomiting, and dizziness
  • Jamestown Canyon Virus – leads to symptoms similar to flu symptoms.

According to official statistics, there are almost 200 different mosquito species in the US alone and their number is certainly not dropping. This is the reason why we should learn how to be safe when they are around.

It Turns Out That Vitamin B1 Makes The Mosquitoes Go Away!

Thiamine or vitamin B1 is a vitamin that our body requires in order to work in a proper way and to remain healthy. This specific vitamin can be obtained from certain foods like onions, broccoli, summer squash, green beans, spinach, kale, eggplant, cabbage, and sunflower seeds. Vitamin B1 is one of the basic tools for the elimination of stress and improving the immune system.

But, how does this help us with mosquitoes? Well, in case your body has the proper amount of vitamin B1, you will be able to create a smell that keeps mosquitoes away. Of course, you should not be concerned about your social life because this smell cannot be detected by humans.

Additional Natural Remedy!

In addition, you can also create a homemade, natural insect spray. If you perform brief research you’ll see that there are many recipes for bug sprays, but the simplest one (yet very efficient) contains only 2 ingredients – apple cider vinegar and parsley.

  • So, put a handful of parsley (fresh) in a pestle and mortar.
  • Pour about four ounces of organic apple cider vinegar.
  • After that, mash the ingredients well.
  • Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours.
  • Next, strain the mixture and place it in a clean spray bottle.

  • Store it in a fridge.
  • Pour some essential oils (like lavender for example) in order to make the scent more pleasant.

Keep in mind that this mixture is completely safe for the skin and it won’t lead to any negative side effect. Watch the video to learn how to prepare it.

Source: https://herbalremedieshome.com


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