Photoshop Errors: Quick Fixes for When Keyboard Shortcuts Won't Work

Keyboard shortcuts help us to be more efficient in Photoshop. But with all technology, sometimes technical issues occur. 
If you've ever experienced problems with keyboard shortcuts working properly, then take a look at these quick solutions for help. 
Sometimes your keyboard shortcuts only appear to stop working. You even see that the tool is selected but the normal cursor has been replaced with a cross hair. This is probably because you have the Caps Lock on. To solve this problem easily, simplytake the Caps Lock off. 
Unlock the Caps Lock to get a normal cursor in Photoshop
Whether you're a digital artist or graphic designer, if you're using a Wacom Graphics Tablet then you're probably familiar with this error. It's actually a known fact that some issues occur due to this tablet that can lead to unresponsiveness with the keyboard shortcuts or menu panels in Photoshop. 
Here are a couple of ways you can solve this error:
  1. Reinstall or update your tablet drivers. 
  2. If you're using a Mac, install the Mac OS updates.
  3. Install the White Window Workaround Plugin. It's only for CC and CS6, and you can find the plugin here.
Maybe the problem isn't a technical issue, but one of preference. If the default shortcuts don't work for you, you can still always customize them. To do this, go toEdit > Keyboard Shortcuts. Select the shortcuts you would like to change, and apply the changes there.  
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop errors are always frustrating. But hopefully these quick tips will provide you with some solutions to make your keyboard shortcuts work again.
If you know of any tips that aren't listed here, feel free to share them with us in the comments below!


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