3-year-old picks her own outfit for picture day, shocks school when she shows up as Supergirl

School pictures aren’t exactly known to have high-quality standards, but we generally purchase them anyway as a memory of the school year, and to embarrass your children with their pictures years later.

Source: kjaj1213

This little girl named Kaylieann Steinbach definitely made sure her school photo was anything but boring. The three-year-old girl decided to dress up as her favorite superhero, DC’s Supergirl. She even managed to sneak in a Superman toy figure with her on the photo, as if she was looking after her little brother – just like Supergirl was supposed to in the comic universe.
Her dad Austin shared this remarkable school photo on Reddit where it quickly went viral and reached the front page of the website. “My daughter got to pick what she wore for her school pictures. Daddy approves,” reads the post.

Source: Scary Mommy

Austin’s post on Reddit gathered tons of positive, warm and even funny reactions:
“You sound like a wonderful parent. Keep it up :)”, one Redditor said. “She’s genuinely one of the cutest children I have ever seen. Well done mom and dad!”
Austin himself does consider himself a huge fan of superheroes and even calls himself the resident nerd. “Since she before she could walk I may or may not have dressed her up in superhero clothes for as long as I could remember,” Austin told to the Scary Mommy website.

Source: Scary Mommy

Of course, the family couldn’t resist going to the biggest comic convention in the world, San Diego Comic Con. Kaylieann dressed up as Supergirl, but they did bring a backup Spiderman costume so that the Supergirl costume could be thrown into the laundry.
“On picture day at school she was given the choice of outfits, none of which were Supergirl. She walked up, looked over each of her choices, turned and said ‘POOTERGIRL!’ and well … I couldn’t argue with that answer,” said Steinbach.
About her adoration for Superman – or rather, Pooterman – dad Austin had the following to say about it:
“She got her life-sized Superman about six months ago and he hasn’t left her side since! I had to get a smaller version for her so she could have much more reasonable size Pooterman to take with her everywhere but she somehow still sneaks the big man with her places,” he said.

Source: Scary Mommy

“To say the Superman doll is her favorite would be an understatement. The world has ended many times due to her not knowing where he is. She even gets have him sleep with her and wouldn’t have it any other way.”
One thing is for sure: this school photo definitely is super.
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Source: kjaj1213 RedditScary Mommy


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