8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

  • Waking up from a good night sleep ✓
  • Breathing fresh air ✓
  • Morning bathroom routine ✓
  • Breakfast in bed ✓
  • Morning yoga in bed? Huh?
These things do exist. Someone thought about it and decided to make it happen.

I bet the inventor of yoga had enough of seeing her friends avoiding to do yoga because they can’t get out of bed.
Why not bringing yoga to their favorite place and make them do it without living in their comfort zone?
That’s an amazing idea. I hope this will be accepted by many of you. This goes especially for those who want to do everything on their bed.
The author of these amazing yoga exercises will show you what to do. Yoga is always the best choice when you want to keep yourself in shape.
After a couple of days doing yoga in bed, I know you would want to know more about it and switch to the floor.
The yoga moves you will see below are the regular ones, but can be done in bed.
Let’s go:

Wide-Legged Child Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Cat Pose to Cow Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Seated Forward Fold

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Supine Spinal Twist

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Fish Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Happy Baby Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Pigeon Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed

Seated Pose

8 Awesome & Boosting Yoga Moves You Can do in Bed
Nice. I’ll try this tomorrow morning to see whether I can continue with yoga there. I would prefer doing it on my yoga mat, but who knows.
Don’t forget to share this with your friends. This is another way to use their bed other than sleeping and relaxing.

Source: Live Stong


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