Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time

Exactly what I needed. You are right when you say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Without it, you will be a body without energy. Many people replace it with coffee. Don’t get me started on how this is wrong for your health.
I was preparing breakfast for my kids this morning. My son was in a hurry. He slept longer than usual and was late for training.
When I said to him that his breakfast is done, he said: I’m sorry mom I’m in a hurry. I will skip it today.
The word “skip” was like a sword going through my body. When he comes back I will tell him why breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time
People usually say that. But you know what? They don’t know the true meaning of it.
Before I give you the ideas, let me tell you more about breakfast. I want to make it clear and give you more on why this meal is that important.
It will show you why it is crucial for living a healthy lifestyle.

The Benefits of Eating Healthy Breakfast

What’s the true meaning of the word breakfast?
Your body was inactive deep in dreams for several hours. When you wake up, your metabolism still sleeps.
Skipping breakfast means letting your body sleeping or dizzy.
So, eating a breakfast every morning means breaking your body fast and making it start working.
That’s what we all need right?
Plus, skipping breakfast claiming you don’t have time to prepare it, makes you hungry.
And when you are like that you are becoming like a bear. Angry, frustrated, anchors, low in energy, and seek for any kind of food.
That’s definitely not right for you and anyone near you.
A couple of breakfast benefits, issued by studies, will make you never skip healthy breakfast ever again.
  •      Lower BMI

One particular study says that people who skip breakfast “enjoy” higher body mass index. Christy Tangney, a Ph.D. professor in the Department of Clinical Nutrition at Rush University, led the research.
  •      Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has conducted a study. It said that Women who consumed breakfast less than 6 times per week are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  •      Improved Memory

The study published in the US National Liberty of Medicine is said that

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time

  •      Weight Loss

The Tel Aviv University made an interesting study. They separated women in two groups. The first group, Big Breakfast Group, consumed 700 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch, and 200 calories at dinner.
The other group, Big Dinner Group, reversed the order. They consumed a 200-calorie breakfast.
The results after 12 weeks were as you expected. All women from the Big Breakfast Group lost 17.8 pounds on average.
Even the Medical News Today confirmed this.
I think you see the point now. You can read and determine why skipping breakfast won’t do any good to you.
If your problem was the time, I have something that will change that.
There are plenty of them, but I will give you 7 breakfast ideas that will be ready in no time. You will be equipped for every day of the week.
Some of them are well prepared the night before.

Overnight Oats

The magic of oats. Many people think they can’t get full of oatmeal. They end up hungry after a while.
That’s why you start mixing things up. For example, add chia seeds, cocoa or coconut on top in the morning. This will give you “fuller” feeling.
Your toppings are your choice. Prepare the base with ½ cup of old-fashioned oats with a ½ cup of milk. Put them in the refrigerator and they will be ready for the morning.
Toppings like bananas, berries, almonds, maple syrup, raw honey, cinnamon, will make your morning more beautiful.
Why old-fashioned oats you asked? – Because the others are full with added sugars.
Prepare each portion the night before you have a very busy morning. Wake up, eat, and get things done!

Chia Pudding

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time
The process is the same. You can prepare chia pudding the night before. Leave it in the refrigerator. Eat it in the morning.
It’s simple as one, two, three.
You can play with the chia seeds. Enjoy the variety of different ways to prepare this pudding. Go crazy and add what you think is great for the morning.
Stay within the borders of healthy. It’s best like that. Chia seeds are the best when they are mixed with other healthy ingredients.
If you want to keep them basic, ¼ cup of chia seeds with a cup of coconut milk and raw honey for sweeter taste will do the trick.
Experiment and see what recipe will catch your taste. After that, share it with us.

Breakfast Burritos

Do you like scrambled eggs? If you do, I bet you will love this.

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time
Burritos are the most popular easy breakfasts you can ever do. The simplest recipe includes whatever comes to your mind.
I’m talking about the filling of course. Eating healthy is really easy. You just mix whatever you feel like eating that morning. The trick is to keep it healthy and prepare the ingredients the night before.
You just need:
  •      Eggs
  •      Almond milk
  •      Low-fat cheese
  •      Peppers and onions
  •      Whole wheat tortillas
  •      Salsa
Mix everything (except the tortillas) and put them over low heat. Once they are prepared, put the mixture over the tortilla and enjoy.

Smoothie Will Make your Breakfast Moody

I should’ve been a poet. That rhyme felt good. I’m kidding. I suck at rhymes.
Smoothies are one of those quick options. If you are busy in the morning, make your blender do your breakfast.
It’s a quick, energizing, and healthy drink. It packs all the nutrient benefits you need in the morning.
There are plenty of healthy breakfast smoothie recipes you can drink right after you make them, or take them with you.
Here is one:

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time

Avocado and eggs on toast

If you have 8 minutes, you have time to make this healthy breakfast. Avocado and eggs could participate in a competition for the best breakfast ever.
They are just wonderful when combined.
All you have to do is slice an avocado onto a piece of toast and add an egg on top.
It’s quick, easy, and open for different variations. Keep the avocado and eggs, but add something else for even better taste.
This protein-equipped breakfast will be your option when you are in a hurry.

Almond Butter on Toast

If you want a sweeter taste, pay attention to this.
Almond butter on toast with a banana on top. It’s like heaven in your stomach.
Some will opt in for peanut butter. It doesn’t matter. Both of them are really great and healthy.
Why don’t you try one morning with almond butter and the other with peanut butter? Seems fun.
Total time for preparing this? – 2 minutes. Total eating time – shorter than a blink. We are all busy, but we have that much in the morning.

Breakfast Quiche

This is especially for those who want to enjoy their breakfast. I have a special treatment for all of you.
The best thing? You can prepare the mixture the night before.

Delicious and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Save You Time
Right after dinner, take:
  •      4 scrambled eggs 
  •      2 cups almond milk
  •      Various vegetables
  •      Little bit of low-fat cheese
Mix them up and fill your pan. Bake it at 425 degrees for 40 minutes.
In the morning, reheat it, and you know the rest.

Quinoa bites

Quinoa, the food that keeps you full in the morning. It satisfies your stomach too. While it’s important for you to have protein-rich breakfast, quinoa will give you that, too.
You can add and mix quinoa with everything. I love it in the morning.
Here is one recipe that will give you better start of the morning with quinoa.
There you have it. Now you are fully equipped with the info about why it’s important to eat breakfast. Plus, I know those ideas caught your eyes and flavor.
Now, I can’t wait for my son to come back from school to share this with him.
Any of your friends are skipping breakfast? – They need to know this!


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