Natural Recipe That Will Burn Your Desire for Cigarettes

Like any other posts for this topic, I will start off this one with the usual sentence.
Smokers, where you at? I missed you. Are you still inhaling that dangerous smoke in your lungs and body?
The smoke is so addictive that many people find it really hard to quit smoking at least for a day.
Smoking kills. This is what every single one of you can find written on the label. And you are still messing with cigarettes putting your life and the others in danger.
“What can I do when the desire for a smoke is bigger than me” – Every smoker everywhere!
I would lie if I tell you that I know how that feels because I’ve never find enough reasons to start smoking.
Most of you who want to quit smoking don’t trust in these things that will make them lower their nicotine desire. I share this opinion.
I tend to believe that only strong will and determination is the right path to a goal worth having.
If your goal is to quit smoking, just do it. Don’t complain. Stop failing under the pressure of desire for a smoke and do it.
It’s hard. It’s god damn hard. But it will be all worth it at the end.
Many who have tried and managed to quit smoking have tried this recipe.
They say it works. It features a few ingredients that will satisfy your desire and make you ditch this unhealthy habit once and for all.
Natural Recipe That Will Burn Your Desire for Cigarettes
Let’s see what do we have this time.


  • ½ grapefruit
  • ½ orange
  • 2dl chamomile tea
  • 30g Jojoba Oil
  • 30g Olive oil
  • Coconut 30g
  • 5 Oregano


  • Strain the grapefruit and the orange
  • Add the remaining ingredients
  • Stir until you get a nice mixture
  • Place it in a glass bottle that you can carry everywhere


Whenever you feel like you need a cigarette, apply a small portion of this mixture on a handkerchief, cover your mouth and nose with it and inhale deeply.
You will feel the fresh air fulfilling your lungs. The need for a cigarette will be getting smaller and smaller.
I hope this helps you and you finally quit smoking.
Don’t forget to show this to all of your friends who are struggling to quit smoking. It could help them.


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