have a serious problem: I am obsessed with my hair. It’s not a good thing. If I don’t like the way my hair looks, my whole mood will be affected. If I think my hair looks bad, I just don’t feel as confident. But when I feel like I’m having a good day? I feel awesome, like I can take over the world.
So, for that reason, I spend a lot of time on my hair. Whether I’m trying different masks and products, or spending a good half hour curling it to my liking, my hair takes up a good chunk of my precious getting ready time. So I’m always down to learn about helpful tips and tricks that will make my life a lot easier – and potentially make my hair look better too.
Enter these hair hacks. They’re all super easy and will make you wonder why you never thought of them before. They will also improve your life AND your hair. Here are 18 of my favorite hair hacks, tips and tricks. You’re welcome.
Learn the right way to wear a bobby pin so that it really holds your hair in place. LIFE CHANGING INFORMATION.
Make it look like you have a longer, fuller ponytail… without extensions
Create the look of bangs without cutting your hair for a new look for a night
Make the most of your bobby pins in seconds, especially if your hair is super soft.
Use your flat iron to curl your hair in a pinch
Use a toothbrush to get rid of annoying frizzies
Learn how to organize your hair ties so that you never lose one again
Add a little volume to your ponytail instantly to kick things up a notch
Learn the right way to clean your hairbrush so it’s not gross
In the shower, easily prevent your hair from getting greasy the next day
Use this easy tip for instant volume
Figure out exactly what kind of hair brush you should buy
Make your ponytail look way better in seconds
Figure out exactly how to use your curling iron to get waves or tight curls
Get rid of static quickly
Hide your roots without using hair dye
Make wavy hair look even better with this easy, no-heat trick (PS: I do this almost every day to my naturally wavy hair. I let it sit, twirled, while I do my makeup, get dressed and get ready for wherever I’m going… untwirl an hour later and I have perfect waves!)
Get beachy waves without a curling wand