Hair growth happens when old cells are pushed out by the hair follicles due to the production of new cells. It occurs in three stages: growth (anagen), cessation (catagen), and rest (telogen).
During the rest period, your hair reaches its lifespan and falls out, and a new strand grows in its place. When your hair grows, it is injected with pigments that give it color. With age, the amount of pigment that is injected into each strand of hair gets reduced, which is why it turns gray and eventually white.
There are several factors governing the reasons why your hair loses its pigment. Contrary to popular belief, white hair is not a result of stress. At least, it is not in any way directly responsible.
The occurrence of white hair is determined by the following factors:
- Genetics: It is the predominant factor in determining at what age your hair loses pigment. For some people, it can happen even before they turn 20. For others, the first strands of white appear rather late.
- Deficiency of melanin: In most of the cases, a deficiency of melanin is the major cause of hair whitening. The production of melanin depends upon appropriate nutrition and protein supplements. Lack of these nutrients causes melanin to fall below the acceptable levels.
- Hormone changes: Your hormones have a huge impact on the pigmentation of your hair. An imbalance can cause your hair to turn white.
- Stress: Stress caused by hectic schedules is a major cause of premature graying, along with excessive intake of alcohol and junk food.
- Chemical hair products: Sometimes, usage of chemical-based shampoos, soaps, hair dyes, etc. may directly cause this problem. However, it can result from some allergic infections as well.
- Medical conditions: Certain underlying medical conditions can trigger a loss of pigment in your hair. They include a deficiency of vitamin B12 or problems with the thyroid and pituitary glands.
- Extrinsic factors: Changes in your hair color can occur due to external factors such as the climate, pollution, and exposure to certain chemicals. These factors speed up the process of aging.
There has been a recent discovery regarding the loss of pigment in hair. It was found that hair follicles release a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which gets accumulated over time. It bleaches the hair and causes it to turn gray, and eventually white. By removing this accumulation, it is possible for your hair to regain its natural color.
Gray hair represents a big aesthetic problem, both for men and women. It's actually one of the biggest aesthetic problems that a person can have. It affects the self-confidence in people and they try numerous different things to get rid of it.
Nowadays, an increasing number of men and women have white hair in their 30's. There are numerous factors for this. One of them is aging, and the most common also include genetics, excessive stress, the absence of sleep and unhealthy diet.
Instead of covering white hair with commercial and chemical-laden hair colors, try some natural home remedies. Below is an effective natural method that will bring the natural color of your hair.
- Take 5-6 medium potatoes and peel them
- Put the rinds in a pan with two cups of water.
- Reduce the heat on low after the water has warmed up leave -the pan and boil the mixture for another 15-20 minutes.
- Then remove the pan from the stove.
- Wait to cool down and use a big bowl to strain the water and remove the rinds.
- Store the water in a glass bottle and close the bottle hermetically.
- You can add few drops of essential oils like rosemary or lavender for a better smell.
- Wash your hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner. white hair needs to be hydrated because normally is drier.
- Use the potato rind water to apply onto your hair by massaging. Careful do not rinse the hair.
- Dry and brush your hair as normally you do.
- Repeat the treatment every day or 2-3 times a week for a couple months.
In the second part, you need to address the problem from within through nutrition. Just follow the instructions below.
- 3 cloves organic garlic
- 2 lbs raw, organic honey
- 4 organic lemons (unpeeled)
- 200 ml of organic flaxseed oil
Preparation Method
- Cut the garlic and lemons into slices.
- Add the honey and flaxseed.
- Mix all ingredients well.
- Keep the remedy in a glass jar and store it in the fridge.
- You should consume 1 tablespoon before a meal, twice a day (breakfast and dinner).