Do you drink lemon water during your fast?
We have some videos on the channel where we talk about the benefits of this practice to health. Have you watched them yet?
If you want to improve your immunity, include this habit in your daily routine. But it is necessary to take care of your teeth when you drink lemon water.
According to researchers from King's College, in the United Kingdom, drinking acidic beverages in between your meals, and drinking them for long periods, might increase the risk of dental erosion. Did you know that?
The study, published at the British Dental Journal, had 300 people participating and analyzed the relation between the participant's diets and severe dental erosion.
Juices, fruit teas, "diet" beverages, sugary drinks, and flavored water are acidic liquids that can erode the teeth, according to the study.
The situation becomes more serious when it takes longer than five minutes to ingest one of these drinks, or when someone "plays" with fruits in their mouth before swallowing it.
Did you know that it can deteriorate your teeth? But sugary drinks aren't the only culprits, diet sodas, vinegar, and pickles can also cause dental erosion.
The study also says that people who drink water with a slice of lemon or hot teas made of fruits in between meals have 11 times more chances of suffering from medium to serious dental erosion.
If you have this habit, pay attention, because dental erosion is one of the biggest damages to teeth in all age groups.