What Apple Cider Vinegar Really Does To Your Body?

 Have you ever heard about the benefits of apple cider vinegar? 

This natural medicine has a growing list of benefits to health, all scientifically proven. Did you know? 

Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants, called polyphenols, which protect the cells against alterations that could lead to the development of diseases. 

Besides that, it also helps reduce the inflammation of joints, alleviating pain, and improving joint movements. 

Vinegar is the result of natural fermentation. In the first step of fermentation, the sugars are transformed into alcohol, then, the alcohol ferments once again and becomes vinegar. Did you know? 

Because of this process, apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes that help and facilitate food digestion. 

Besides that, it also has some acids, such as malic, lactic and citric, which help with the good functioning of the liver and also to detox the body. 

But the main ingredient of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which is known as a healthy tonic. 

For more than 2,000 years, apple cider vinegar has been used to  aromatize and preserve foods, heal wounds, fight infections, clean surfaces, control diabetes, among other things. 

But, does it work? This is what we will find out today:

But, how do we use apple cider vinegar to get all these benefits? 

There are some ways of including apple cider vinegar in your diet, even in salad dressings. 

Besides that, you can also just mix the vinegar with some water and drink it. 

The amount of apple vinegar used for weight loss is 1 or 2 spoons (around 0,5 to 1 oz) daily, mixed in a water glass. It is not recommended to drink more than that.

However, consuming apple cider vinegar could be dangerous in some cases because the concentration of acids varies, depending on the time of fermentation and quality of the fruits used to make the product. 

This way, it is always recommended to follow medical advice when using apple vinegar to treat or prevent health issues, especially skin issues.


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