4 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dark Spots

Let's start with four natural treatments for lightening or fading dark spots on the skin.

1. Lime Juice

The acidity of lemon juice serves as a whitening agent, reducing discolouration on your face. Apply the juice to your liver spots twice a day with a cotton ball or Q-tip. It is best to start with a tiny section of your face to evaluate how your skin reacts to the lemon juice. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the juice with a little water.

2. Gel Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel contains antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, which assist to eliminate brown spots and level out skin tone. Vitamin A hastens the natural shedding process of your skin, while vitamin C enhances your complexion and vitamin E renews the epidermis. Because the plant has been used to treat sunburns for hundreds of years, aloe works especially effectively if you have dark patches produced by sun exposure.

Although you may purchase 100% aloe vera gel from a health food shop, utilizing gel directly from the plant is preferred. To achieve this, cut one aloe vera leaf in half and divide it in two. Carve out the jelly-like flesh and apply it on your skin immediately.

3. Buttermilk or Yogurt

Lactic acid, which lightens and exfoliates the skin, is abundant in both yogurt and buttermilk. Apply one of these dairy products directly to your skin as a mask and let on for 20 minutes before rinsing.

4. Toner with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, which is high in antioxidants and minerals, is a popular home remedy for a variety of illnesses. Because alpha hydroxy acid removes dead skin cells, many with scars and discoloration swear by this easy treatment.

In a mixing bowl, combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Because it is pH balanced, you may use it as a toner on your entire face. If you don't like the fragrance, leave the solution to sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.


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