Quick Tip: How to Publish Artwork Directly from Adobe CC to Behance

Final product image
What You'll Be Creating
It's quite easy to take advantage of Adobe CC's integration with the portfolio sharing website Behance. Follow along with the steps below to get started with sharing vector works directly from Illustrator or Photoshop into your Behance account.
You'll need to make sure that you have a Creative Cloud membership, firstly, since the integration is a part of Adobe CC and not earlier versions. Secondly, log into your account on Behance.net. In the upper right corner, click on your profile picture and hit Linked Accounts. Make sure your Behance profile and linked to your Adobe CC account.
Link Adobe and Behance Accounts
If you need to change your Behance account to match your Adobe CC ID, you can easily do so by changing the accounts linked to your profile (this is useful in case you're like me and had a Behance profile prior to getting an Adobe CC subscription).
Change the Adobe CC account linked with Behance
Open your .AI file in Adobe Illustrator CC (or Adobe Photoshop CC). Make sure you're logged in to Creative Cloud (you can check under Help to see what account your machine is signed in under). Go to  File > Share on Behance... to open up the sharing dialogue. If you're not connected to the internet, by the way, you will not be able to upload your work to the site.
Share on Behance
a dialogue box will pop up and connect to your Behance account. Start by giving your artwork or project some sort of title in 55 characters or less. The way Behance is connected allows you to share artwork into your profile's WIP (Work in Progress) folder. For finished projects, you'll have to upload them directly through the website.
Give Your Work a Title
Next up is to tag your work with artwork relevant tags separated by commas. If you've shared your work online in any way, this is likely quite familiar to you. If not, however, tags will help users search through the website and land on your artwork in the search results.
How vague or specific your tags are up to you. You want to make sure your work stands out in searches, but also that yours won't be missed if something as simple as "vector" or "illustration" are used.
If you've done this before, there'll be a yellow star to the right of the tag box that allows you to choose from previously used tags or those you've used often.
Post tags on your artwork
Finally, write out a description, some sort of comments, to get the process going of describing what your artwork or project in progress entails. This is a great place to discuss your process, future of the project, and ultimate goals. Unlike the title box, you won't have a character limit for the comments on your artwork.
Post comments to your design
When satisfied with your title, tags, and comments, hit Continue and your work will be uploaded onto your profile. You'll be given a link to the work itself to check it out and share on other social networks.
Artwork Posted to Behance
When you're ready to post revisions to your WIP, you'll follow the same process as Section 2 of this tutorial, but make sure to select Revision and choose the project you're revising in the drop-down menu.
Make revisions to your artwork
You'll find your new work in your Behance profile under the WIP folder. It not only shows your artwork most recently posted, but there are multiple versions depending on how many revisions you've submitted. To the right of the artwork are your comments as well we those from followers.
At this time, the select few Adobe CC programs that can publish directly to behance (Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Lightroom CC, and InDesign CC) can only do Works in ProgressProjects need to be uploaded directly on the website where you'll find you have the ability to customize your project's presentation in the same manner you would a blog post.
For more on working with Behance, check out these tutorials in dealing with fully customizing your Behance portfolio and getting the most from the site:


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