Create a Marvelously British Scone Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Final product image
What You'll Be Creating

Using different brushes, textures, and layer styles can be a great way of building up a detailed text effect. This tutorial will show you how to use those three elements, along with some other tools and settings, to create a text effect inspired by delicious British scones. Let's get started!
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial:
Create a new 838 x 530px document. Place the Texture: Wood Floor image on top of the Background layer, and resize it as needed.

Background Wood Texture

Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and change the Saturation value to -83.

Hue Saturation

Add a Levels adjustment layer and change the Gamma value to 1.17 and theHighlights value to 238.


Place the MARBLE TEXTURE image on top of all layers, resize it as needed, and then change its layer's Blend Mode to Color Burn and its Opacity to 30%.

Noise Texture

Create the text in All Caps using the font Rockin Record G, the Size 235 pt, and the color #f2ece6.  Set the Tracking value to 100.

Create the Text

Right click the text and choose Create Work Path, and then make the text layer invisible.

Create Work Path

Set the Foreground color to #f1ece6, create a new layer on top of all layers, and call it 1. Then stroke the path with brush 1 from the Scones Text Effect Brushes Set.

Stroke 1

Create a new layer on top of layer 1, call it 2, and stroke the path with the brush 2
Duplicate layer 2, and change the copy's Fill value to 0.

Stroke 2

Duplicate layer 2 copyCommand-click the text layer's thumbnail to create a selection, and then delete the selected part from layer 2 copy 2's stroke.

Delete Selection

Contract the selection by 10 pixels.

Contract Selection

Convert the selection into a work path by clicking the Make work path from selection icon at the bottom of the Paths panel.

Convert Selection into a Work Path

Create a new layer on top of all layers, call it 3, stroke the path with brush 3, duplicate layer 3, and change its Fill value to 0.

Stroke 3

Create a selection from the original text once again, and contract the selection by 15pixels.
Create a new layer on top of all layers, call it 4, and fill the selection with theForeground color.

Fill Selection

Convert the selection into a work path, and stroke it with brush 3.

Stroke 4

Open the Seamless Bread Texture image, and resize it to 295 x 275 px. Then go toEdit > Define Pattern, and type in Bread Texture for the Name.

Define Pattern

Double click layer 1 to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Depth: 275
  • Gloss Contour: Gaussian
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode - Color: #4f3e34
  • Shadow Mode: Linear Burn
  • Color: #e6d6bf

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Contour with these settings:
  • Contour: Half Round
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.


Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Bread Texture
  • Depth: 50%
  • Check the Invert box


Add a Pattern Overlay with these settings:
  • Pattern: Bread Texture

Pattern Overlay

Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
  • Opacity: 12%
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 99
  • Distance: 18
  • Size: 6

Drop Shadow

This will style the edges.

Styled Edges 1

Change layer 2's Blend Mode to Multiply.

Change Blend Mode

Double click layer 2 copy to apply a Drop Shadow effect using the following settings:
  • Color: #6e6355
  • Opacity: 50%
  • Distance: 5
  • Size: 10

Drop Shadow

This will add a simple shadow to the edges.

Styled Edges 2

Double click layer 2 copy 2 to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Size: 10
  • Highlight Mode:
  • Color: #695041
  • Opacity: 50%
  • Shadow Mode:
  • Color: #aa998b
  • Opacity: 30%

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Contour using the default values.


Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Bread Texture
  • Depth: 50%


This will style layer 2 copy 2.

Styled Edges 3

Double click layer 3 to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Style: Outer Bevel
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode: Linear Light
  • Opacity: 10%
  • Shadow Mode:
  • Color: #a47a54
  • Opacity: 15%

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Contour with these settings:
  • Contour: Half Round
  • Check the Anti-aliased box


This will style layer 3.

Styled Edges 4

Double click layer 3 copy to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Size: 13
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 27
  • Altitude: 69
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Shadow Mode - Color: #8d672c

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Clouds


Add a Color Overlay with these settings:
  • Color: #e9e1d9

Color Overlay

Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
  • Opacity: 94%
  • Distance: 1
  • Size: 10

Drop Shadow

This will style the clotted cream part below the jam.

Styled Cream

Change layer 4's Fill value to 0, and then duplicate it five times.

Duplicate Jame Layer

Double click layer 4 to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Size: 32
  • Soften: 3
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 27
  • Altitude: 69
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode: Linear Light
  • Opacity: 20%

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Clouds
  • Scale: 70%
  • Depth: 20%


Add a Color Overlay with these settings:
  • Color: #330417
This is where you choose the jam's color. So feel free to change it any time you like.

Color Overlay

Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
  • Distance: 0
  • Size: 3

Drop Shadow

This will style the first layer of jam. Next, we'll be adding layers of gloss and shine.

Styled Jam 1

Double click layer 4 copy to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Size: 18
  • Soften: 1
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 166
  • Altitude: 69
  • Gloss Contour: Cone - Inverted
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode: Linear Light
  • Opacity: 50%
  • Shadow Mode - Opacity: 0%

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Clouds
  • Depth: 20%


This will add some highlights/gloss to the jam.

Styled Jam 2

Copy and paste layer 4 copy's layer style to layer 4 copy 2, and double click layer 4 copy 2 to change a couple of the values as shown below:
Bevel and Emboss
  • Size: 15
  • Angle: -14
  • Highlight Mode - Opacity: 30%

Bevel and Emboss

This will add some more shine to the jam.

Styled Jam 3

Paste layer 4 copy's layer style to layer 4 copy 3, and double click layer 4 copy 3 to change a couple of the values as shown below:
Bevel and Emboss
  • Size: 29
  • Angle: 45
  • Highlight Mode: Screen
  • Opacity: 90%

Bevel and Emboss

This will style the last layer of shine.

Styled Jam 4

Double click layer 4 copy 4 to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Size: 24
  • Soften: 9
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: -22
  • Altitude: 64
  • Gloss Contour: Cone - Inverted
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode: Linear Light
  • Shadow Mode - Opacity: 0%

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Contour with these settings:
  • Contour: Cone - Inverted
  • Check the Anti-aliased box


This will style the right and bottom edges of the jam. Copy and paste this layer style to layer 4 copy 5.

Styled Jam 5

Double click layer 4 copy 5 to change the Bevel and Emboss's Angle value to 112.

Bevel and Emboss

This will style the left and top edges of the jam.

Styled Jam 6

Create a text work path, create a new layer below layer 1, call it Crumbs, and stroke the path with the Crumbs brush.

Crumbs Brush

Double click the Crumbs layer to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Depth: 275
  • Size: 3
  • Gloss Contour: Gaussian
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode - Color: #4f3e34
  • Shadow Mode - Color: #aa998b

Bevel and Emboss

Add a Contour with these settings:
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.


Add a Texture with these settings:
  • Pattern: Bread Texture


Add a Pattern Overlay with these settings:
  • Pattern: Bread Texture

Pattern Overlay

Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
  • Opacity: 30%
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 99

Drop Shadow

This will style the crumbs.

Styled Crumbs

Create a selection of layers 12 and the original text layers' content.
Create a new layer (Layer 1) below the Crumbs layer, fill the selection with theForeground color, and then deselect.

Create a Selection

Enter the Scale Transform Mode, and scale Layer 1's content down by entering the value 99% for both the W and values in the Options bar.

Scale Down

Press Option-Command-Shift-T (Alt-Control-Shift-T for Windows) twice to create two more scaled-down copies. Group all three layers in a group named 3D.

Duplicate Layers

Copy and paste the Crumbs layer's layer style to the 3D group, and double click the 3D group to change a couple of the values as shown below:
  • Size: 5
  • Shadow Mode: Linear Burn
  • Color: #bf9876

Bevel and Emboss

  • Check the Invert box


  • Opacity: 15%
  • Distance: 12
  • Size: 6

Drop Shadow

This will style the 3D part.

Styled 3D Part

Create a selection of layers 12 and the original text layers' content again.
Create a new layer below the 3D group, and name it Shadow.
Fill the selection with the color #4b4845, and convert the layer into a Smart Object.

Create Shadow Layer

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and change the Radius to 3.5.

Gaussian Blur

Change the Shadow layer's Blend Mode to Linear Burn, and its Opacity to 25%. Then move the shadow around a little bit until you like how it looks.

Modify Shadow

Add a Gradient adjustment layer.
Create a transparent to fill color gradient using the color #f2ece6. Set the Style toRadial and the Scale to 500.
Then place the Gradient adjustment layer on top of all layers, and change its Blend Mode to Linear Burn.

Gradient Adjustment Layer

Open the bagels and jam image, and use the Magnetic Lasso Tool, or any other selection tools you like, to select the knife and the jam's bowl.

Select Image

You can use the Refine Edge settings to refine your selection.

Refine Edge

Copy and paste the selected part to the original text effect document. Resize, rotate, and reposition it until you like how the image looks.

Place Selected Image

Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and clip it to the image's layer.
For the Reds values, change the Hue to -30 and the Saturation to -20. We're basically trying to match the bowl's jam color to the text's.

Adjust Coloring

Duplicate the image's layer and place the copy below it.
Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and change the Lightness value to-100.
Convert to a Smart Object, apply a Gaussian Blur with a 3.5 Radius, and then transform the black copy to create a shadow based on the other shadows you already have in the document.

Create Shadow

Finally, use the Sponge Tool to desaturate the orange parts of the knife.

Sponge Tool

Final scones text effect

In this tutorial, we created a simple background using a couple of textures, created the text, and modified some of its settings to start working on the effect.
Then we started creating selections, work paths, and layers to achieve different strokes and fills.
After that, we styled each layer to build up the different layers of the scones, creating the bread part, the cream part, and the jam part.
Finally, we created and styled the 3D part of the effect, enhanced the shadow, and added a simple image to finish off the effect.
Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, and outcomes below.


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