24 Essential Daily Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Saving precious seconds here and there really adds up. Speed up your workflow in Adobe Lightroom with the most used keyboard shortcuts. This definitely isn't a comprehensive list, but it's a round up of all the short cuts I use on a daily basis. All shortcuts are listed for PC, but they are exactly the same on a Mac: Option is the same as AltCommand is the same as Control.
Navigating around different views in Lightroom can be a bit cumbersome at first. Viewing your photos is the most important feature of Lightroom, so getting to those different views needs to be quick and effortless.
GSwitch to Grid View
ESwitch to Loupe View (single photo)
FToggle Full Screen modes
LToggle Lights (Dims the interface around the photo, keeps full tool functionality)
TabToggle side panels
Shift-TabToggle all panels

Lights on lights dimmed lights off
The different Lights Out screens. Press L to dim all the parts of the interface except the chosen photo.

Here's one more quick tip for moving around your panels quickly. Hold down Alt, and click your mouse to swing out one of the panels on the right side of the Lightroom interface. This is a quick way to toggle "solo mode". Solo mode will collapse any panels except the one you are working on. Done doing white balance and exposure enhancements? You can either scroll down the panels until you find the one you need next (like the Detail panel) or you can toggle solo mode and when the Detailpanel opens, the Basic panel closes.
While culling photos (choosing the best ones from the group), or editing (sorting and sequencing) you only want to see photos for a split second and move on to the next one as quickly as possible.
NSwitch to Survey mode, which displays only currently selected photos
PFlag current photo as Pick 
XFlag current photo as Reject
UUnflag current photo
01234,5Set the Star rating of a photo to 01234, or 5 stars
6Set color label to Red
7Set color label to Yellow
8Set color label to Green
9Set color label to Blue
While you culling through photos, if you turn on your Caps Lock setting a flag (P orX) will not only set the flag for that photo, but automatically advance to the next photo. This saves you having to click the arrow key in between each photo. Multiply that by however many photos in your wedding take, for example, and you've saved a good amount of time.
Lightroom is a powerful RAW processor, but a lot off the time what we use it for is basic cropping and tweaking of images.
DSwitch to Develop module
RActivate the Crop tool
XSwitch Crop tool vertical/horizontal
ShiftHolding to Constrain Proportions of your crop
TabResize both sides of a crop equally
EnterApply Crop
Control-'Create a Virtual Copy
A virtual copy is a great tool that allows you to make different version of the same photo without adding the additional file size of making an actual copy of the photo. This is useful for having a color and black and white version, 4x6 and 8x10 crops, or anything else you may need multiple edits or copies for.
Are you a Lightroom ninja? Have any secret keyboard shortcuts you can't live without? Be sure to share your favorite in the comments!


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