Our feet go through a tough time every day with all the rush and pressure of modern life, long lines, and uncomfortable footwear which can quickly lead to discomfort and affect our overall health. That’s why we need to take extra care of our feet and toenails to keep them in tip-top condition.
We at Bright Side put together the 6 most useful foot care tips to make your feet and toenails look simply gorgeous.
Keep your feet dry
One of the basic principles of hygiene is to keep your feet dry since moist conditions create a favorable environment for fungus to grow. You can do the following to keep your feet dry:
- Choose shoes made from natural materials that will let your skin breathe.
- Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes several days in a row.
- Wipe your feet thoroughly with a towel after taking a shower.
Trim your toenails properly
Improperly trimmed nails may result in ingrown toenails which can be quite painful. Here are some useful tips to keep this away:
- Remember to trim your toenails straight across. Don’t round the corners.
- Trimming your toenails too short may result in ingrown toenails or an infection.
- Avoid cutting your cuticles! You can gently push them back toward the base of your nail with an orangewood stick.
Keep your toenails healthy
The following procedure will help you relieve ingrown toenail pain:
- Soak your feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes. Add 1 tbsp salt to 1 liter of water.
- Place clean dental floss under the edge of your nail, and lift it up gently.
- Treat the area with antiseptic, and bandage your toe to protect it from getting infected.
- Repeat this process daily until your toe is fully healed.
If these procedures are not making your toenail any better and you see some signs of infection, you should see a doctor immediately.
Soak your feet in warm water
To make your feet look gorgeous and your heels feel baby soft, you should soak your feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes once a week. You can use a variety of ingredients to re-energize your feet such as salt, essential oils, or herbal infusions.
Use a foot scrub or pumice stone to remove dry and dead skin from your feet afterward.
Moisturize your feet
It’s best to use creams that contain emollients, such as dimethicone, lanolin, and Vaseline, as well as moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin and lecithin. Just remember to never moisturize the area between toes as it can cause fungus.
Massage your feet
Foot massage is the best remedy to get rid of fatigue, improve blood circulation, and keep your feet healthy. You can buy a special massager, or simply place an ordinary tennis ball or any other round object under your foot and start rolling it back and forth from your toes to your heel.