7 Anti-Inflammation Foods That Regulate Your Immune System

Inflammation is a normal thing in a healthy organism. It’s the way our immune system acts against potential harm.

Even if you don’t see a problem here, the immune system could overreact and attack healthy cells. You can say that’s the big problem right here.
Inflammation could worsen up already existing illness. You can call it the salt on a wound.
People suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis, celiac disease and irritable bowel disease are those who can be impacted the most from inflammation.

Luckily for all of us and our immune system, there are several foods you can include in your diet.
These seven foods are full of minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants that work against inflammation.


7 Anti-Inflammation Foods That Regulate Your Immune System
Green Blender
The pineapple is a good edition to your diet because it contains bromelain.
The compound is responsible for preventing and reducing inflammation. It regulates the immune response keeping the inflammation under control and from overreacting.


Beets are rich in antioxidants. They are here to help your organism and heal the wound of inflammation faster.
They contain magnesium, which is regularly “prescribed” for those who are fighting against inflammation.

Fatty Fish

Salmon and other fatty fishes contain essential fatty acids alongside Omega-3. They are known to fight inflammation.
As long as you stay away from the farmed salmon, the wild salmon will act entirely by preventing unnecessary inflammation.

Dark Leafy Greens

The greens are full of minerals and vitamins. You are going to feel your body filling with phytochemicals, calcium, and iron.
But the fiber is the real deal right here. It does a great job regulating the immune system and reducing inflammation.


7 Anti-Inflammation Foods That Regulate Your Immune System
Mother Nature Network
The turmeric has a compound called curcumin. Many studies showed how curcumin reacts better than other anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.


The quercetin in the blueberries fights off inflammation and most importantly it acts as a protector of oxidative stress.

Green Tea

The fabulous weight loss tea is full of antioxidants. One particular polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate fights off the free radicals that could harm your body and maintains a healthy balance.
There you have it.
By including these seven anti-inflammatory foods that regulate your immune system in your diet, you are going to have significant health benefits.
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