Hacks are everywhere around us and we just need to start using them. I use some of those that would suit my needs.
I really think about putting all of these hacks in picture frames and hang them everywhere in my home.
If you need anything, just check if there is something said about that on the wall.
That way I will make sure all of the things are done faster and better.
I mean, what could go worse? You are just focused on getting the same goal a bit quicker.
That’s it.
Same thing goes with this amazing hack right here. The person who first did it should be awarded a medal of innovation.
About the Listerine mixture:
If your job requires from you to be on the move all the time, you probably feel that on your feet. Especially during winter.How many times have you felt that “freezing pain” you must deal with? It’s really brutal and having cold feet results with dry, cracked, and fatigued skin and heels.
I might have something that will fix that. Plus, it will relax your feet, body, and even your soul.
Your solution has been in your home the whole time.
Here it is.
What you need:
- ½ cup Listerine
- ½ cup vinegar
- 2 cups warm water
- A bowl
- Foot file or pumice stone
- Towel
- Moisturizer
The whole tutorial can be seen in the video below.
And this is how you maintain healthy, smooth, and strong feet during winter.
Make sure you share this with your friends and colleagues. They will thank you for it!