A Chemical Found in the Colgate Toothpaste is Linked to Cancer

Before I tell you which chemical, I feel the need to inform you all for something..

I read your comments.
Don’t think I don’t do that.
Many of you respect the way I share things with you. I’ll keep doing that.
The others are a little bit skeptic. That’s okay. I understand that.
One comment even made me laugh. It was something like:
“Scientists said don’t breathe air, it’s damaging your health.”
The funny thing here is that the air can be polluted somewhere.
But let’s not get into it.

My point here is that I’m here to share all the things that could help you.
Things that are in your interest.
I found them useful to me and that’s why I share them with all of you.
I care.
Now, back to the main thing here.
Colgate toothpastes are all over the world. If you ask me they are right at the top of the best toothpastes.
A recent study made me question their ability to maintain the health of our teeth.

You already know how many processes toothpaste goes through before we buy it.
This study found that “Triclosan”, a substance in the toothpaste, can be one of the reasons for developing cancer.

A Chemical Found in the Colgate Toothpaste is Linked to Cancer
This substance can be found in many laundry detergents, hand sanitizers, deodorants, and antiseptics.
The study was published in the Chemical Research in Toxicology.
Shortly said, this chemical encourages cancer cell growth.
Many other studies over the past years have been studying this chemical.
They also showed that many dangers are connected with this chemical.
Triclosan can be absorbed through the skin and connects with the hormone infection.
You don’t need to take it orally. It will find its path into your system.
With that being said, scientists wanted to test the level of this substance in people.
The results were highly positive.

A Chemical Found in the Colgate Toothpaste is Linked to Cancer
The study shows.
What Colgate has to say about this?

Of course, they won’t say: “Yes our toothpaste stimulates cancer cell growth”.
It’s not like that in the big world.
They published an application of 35 pages summarizing the studies on triclosan.
At first, the FDA withheld them from view. Later on, the FDA published them on its website.
No one knows why the FDA withheld the documents from the public at first.
All evidence point that triclosan could be dangerous.
Some of them even called for ban action on all products containing this chemical.
One of them is the Canadian Medical Association.
Even that wasn’t enough for Colgate to retrieve its products containing this cancer-causing chemical.
They maintain their opinion that everything is fine. Colgate says people shouldn’t worry about this. There is nothing dangerous here.
Will you believe them with so much drama going on?
It’s your choice after all.
If you have second doubts, you can always use these healthy alternatives to toothpaste I shared recently.
Any of your friends use Colgate? They should know this.


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