An Effective Way To Lower Child’s Fever in Less than 5 Minutes

It’s really tough to talk about this. When your kid is suffering from something, you always want to call the doctor.

In that panic moment, you only think of saving your child.
I totally understand that.
Some studies confirm that if your little kid is healthy, this fever is nothing to worry about.
But, this is not the first thing that comes to your mind when your kid doesn’t want to stop crying.

Keep in mind that high fever that lasts for a couple of days needs to be checked by a pediatrician.
While the child’s body is fighting the infection that causes the fever, you can try several steps to make your child feel better.
These are all proven ways that could lower your child’s fever in a couple of minutes.

An Effective Way To Lower Child’s Fever in Less than 5 Minutes
Don’t hesitate to try them. They could save your child without medications.
I think my grandmother was using some of these methods when I and my sister were little kids.

Here are the methods:

Grated Potatoes
Wash, peel and grate the potatoes. After that put them in the child’s socks.

An Effective Way To Lower Child’s Fever in Less than 5 Minutes
Brandy and Water
Dilute a small cup of brandy with an equal amount of water. Soak gauze in this mixture and put it in the child’s socks.
Cool, Damp Washcloth
All you need to do is to place a cool, damp washcloth on the forehead of your child.
Lukewarm Bath
Give your kid a nice lukewarm tub bath. Don’t use cold water. It could make your child shiver and increase the body temperature.

An Effective Way To Lower Child’s Fever in Less than 5 Minutes
Offering your kid plenty of fluids and cold food will cool down his body from the inside out.
Lose the clothes
Sometimes it could go either way. Removing few layers of clothes can make your child lose heat more easily through the skin. If your kid starts shivering, give her/him a blanket. This will make her/him warm and thus, sweat the fever out.
Stay Indoors
Sometimes kids want to go outside even when they have a fever. Staying indoors in a cool place will make the fever go away.
If your child is younger than 3 months and has a fever, you need to call the doctor right away.


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