I received lots of comments about the whole workout. It’s great to see that you can help someone.
Women finally found the perfect way how to “attack” the stubborn back fat and force it out.
Now we are going to try to do the same thing. Only, this time, we are going to focus on the arm fat.
This is the third most stubborn fat after the back and stomach fat.
How come we move our hands all the time and they still have fat on them?
For those who have this problem and are tired seeing their hands like this……it’s time to make some changes.
This video will show you everything you need to know about it.
Before I show it to you I need to tell you something. I received comments how it’s not possible to attack a certain part of the body.
I agree with that. Partially.
It’s true that you can’t target a specific body part without targeting the whole body. The perfect combination of exercises and the right diet will lead you to success.
Now, the video:
Just look at the energy of the trainer. I can even “hear” my adrenaline level rising just from seeing what she does.
This will finish 50% of the job. The other 50% are up to you. You need to stay hungry for success and stay determined for reaching the goal.
Keep your nutrition level healthy and you won’t have any problem moving forward.
This is great when it’s done with your friends. Invite them for a challenge by sharing this with them.