How to Fight Off Bad Breath With This Healthy Morning Shake

Brushing your teeth will clear your breath and protect you from germs that could attack your teeth through the day.
This is what we all do in the morning. I wrote “the first thing” in the morning and then deleted it because that’s not the first thing some people do.
I just wanted to go on with the flow.
All jokes aside, I want to introduce something different. Some people suffer from bad breath in the morning.
Believe me, it’s worse than you think. This could be a result of poor dental health habits. Health problems could contribute to this, as well.
Before using this shake to solve your bad breath problems, I would advise you to visit your dentist to determine that your dental picture is 100% healthy.
I’m giving you this advice because bed breath could be a result of a gum disease that needs to be checked by the doctor.
As a matter of fact, here are a couple of problems that cause bad breath:
How to Fight Off Bad Breath With This Healthy Morning Shake
There is a natural solution that will deal with bad breath. All of the ingredients are natural and can be found everywhere around you.
Just visit the natural and healthy store and you will be able to buy them from there.


  •      1 lemon
  •      2 tbsp.  Spinach
  •      1 ½ tbsp. honey
  •      10 parsley branches
  •      1.7 oz. warm water
  •      ½ tbsp. cinnamon


  •      Wash the spinach and parsley thoroughly
  •      Blend them while adding some warm water and lemon juice
  •      Mix well and add the honey and cinnamon at the end
  •      Blend until smooth
  •      Keep this shake in the fridge and consume it every morning before meals
This mixture will refresh your breath, but it doesn’t mean that you stop taking care of your teeth. You still need to brush them every morning and before bed.
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