Intermittent Fasting and Its Benefits to Your Health

Too much food will never be good for your health. You know I’m a big supporter of balanced food intake and healthy life. I’m saying that a lot.

On the other hand, some people can’t stand eating normal amounts of food and that could increase their risk of developing health problems.
This idea was the base for many scientists to involve simpler organisms and see how they would react when they restrict calorie intake.
They did the testing on mice and other organisms, but not on humans.
Now, scientists finally found a ground and revealed some evidence about the same thing reflecting on humans, too.
Researchers believe that a diet that mimics the effects of fasting for 5 days a month could reduce several factors that lead to health problems. This includes cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Reducing calories sound perfect in our heads. People think that there isn’t anything wrong with it and they can survive the effects of weight loss.

But, what about the required level of nutrients?

Dietary restriction provokes changes in your cells and metabolism that will result with inflammation and cellular damage caused by the reactive molecules in your body. This situation could lead to several diseases like dementia and cancer.
And this is how intermittent fasting was born. Scientists were eager to find something that will help your metabolism, give you the important nutrients, and won’t lead to health problems.

Intermittent Fasting and Its Benefits to Your Health
This extreme form of dietary restriction already helped mice stave off cancer, progressive degeneration of brain cells, and heart disease. On the human side of the things, this diet has shown beneficial effects on humans like reducing HBP.
However, fasting is really hard for people to follow. It can be dangerous, as well. According to The University of Southern California, there is a diet that mimics fasting.
The first tests were done on mice. They came out impressive. This version of fasting has promoted regeneration of multiple systems and orgasms, reduced the incidence of cancer, trimmed down fat, helped them outlive control animals by several months, and more.

What about human tests?

Going a step further, the researchers took 19 human participants and tried this diet on them. The daily calorie intake was reduced by 34-54% of the normal amount. That’s roughly equal to 725-1090 calories a day. This diet was followed for five consecutive days per month.
For the break days (Saturday and Sunday) these people ate what they normally would.
The results were amazing. After three cycles of this diet, the waistline of these people has trimmed down, and they have also noticed lowered blood glucose and reduced levels of diabetic, cardiovascular, and cancer molecules.
Do you think they should seek an approval from the FDA?
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